Thursday, February 18, 2021

So Long, El Rushbo


The good news is that one of the worst right-wing lying hacks has been taken off the air forever.

The bad news is that it took death from cancer to accomplish it.

I never take glee from the demise of a despised enemy. A life spent building something which must be completely torn down if humanity is to survive is a life truly wasted. Such needless retrograde. And it deserves to be truly mourned. For that reason, I am deeply sorrowful at the death of Rush Limbaugh.

I mean, he could have at least lived long enough for Biden to rescind his Medal of Freedom. Dick.

I would very much have preferred it if Limbaugh were removed from the air by a responsible right-wing media establishment which recognized that the lies he continuously told were doing harm to conservatism, and the Republican brand. I would have preferred it if Limbaugh were forced off the air by advertisers refusing to do business with any network which aired him. It would be nice if that were the sort of responsible media we had in this country.

Instead, the Powers That Be had to do their job for all of them.

And I do not have any delusions about the absence of Rush Limbaugh somehow making the Right Wing Media Cult quieter, any more than the absence of one fan at a playoff game makes the crowd noise less. There are thousands of dittohead Limbaugh clones out there who are ready to take his place, many of them being guest-hosts on the Rush Limbaugh show during his illness beforehand.

It is the cult which must die, not Rush.

So long as the Right Wing Media Cult receives legitimacy from established news networks, the lies will seem to be institutionalized. Listeners and viewers will rationally conclude that there must be some element of truth to the lies, or they wouldn't be on the air in the first place.

Institutionalized lies seem like truth.

We must de-legitimize Hannity, Ingram, Levin and the others immediately! If not sooner! Yet I see ZERO evidence that anybody is taking this action, even though it must be our #1 priority.

Fucking why?

I said after the attack on January 6th that the talking heads of the Right Wing Media Cult could simply NOT be allowed to just go back to work as though nothing happened! But they were!

And we saw the result in Trump's acquittal. Sorry - jury nullification. The sequel.

We need these hate-porn generators, like the late Limbaugh, moved to the non-news side of media.

The op-ed section must go back to the back-page of the newspaper - where it belongs!

We need this more than action on climate change.

We need this more than Covid vaccines.

We need this more than a Texan needs a working space-heater!

We can't simply wait around for the rest of the cult leaders to die, too.

Because by then, it will be too late.



Monday, February 8, 2021

Save The Republicans!

You read me right. Save the Republicans!

We can't stop the fount of disinformation in the Right Wing Media Cult. Not yet, anyway. But we can influence Republicans to impeach Trump.

Here's how it can work:

Look at the two votes recently cast regarding Liz Cheney and Marjorie Taylor Greene. In both votes, the right thing was done. Liz Cheney was retained in her leadership role, and Marjorie Taylor Greene was removed from her committee appointments. Yet the Republicans cast two VERY different votes! Now, Greene may be "laughing" about the spare time she's been granted, and what she plans to do with it, but the ones who should be laughing are ourselves - at the composition of the House of Representatives.

The two votes could not be more different. Liz Cheney was overwhelmingly supported by Republicans, by a vote of 145 in favor to 61 against removing her from her committees. That vote was done by anonymous ballot, where the names of those voting were not revealed. Yet in Greene's case, her vote was public. Representatives had to vote on the record regarding her. Only 11 Republicans voted to remove her, and Greene was given a standing ovation earlier. That can only mean....

There are at least 134 Republicans in the House who are just plain ol' 'frady cats!

They want to hold Donald Trump accountable. They want to rid their party of him. And they were vocal about impeaching Trump - at first. They were scared straight by the January 6 attack on the Capitol. But then they were scared back crooked again! By what? Trump is powerless and penniless! What could he have to scare people with?!

The answer is the hordes of dittoheads who still follow the Right Wing Media Cult! They're all still with him, and the inertia behind their falsehoods hasn't died down yet.

The 134 Republicans on the House who supported Liz Cheney anonymously, but who were too scared to censure Greene, did this about-face out of fear. They know that Trumpism simply must die. But they're scared of what the Trump mob will do to them! Their wives and kids are receiving death threats! They vote in favor of Greene, and even applaud her, not because they approve of her, but because they don't want a bottle thrown at their wife's head when she goes to the supermarket!

What about the Senate? Are there similar 'frady cats in the Republican minority on the senate floor?

I argue yes! We know of the few that stand by their convictions: Romney, Murkowski, Collins... even Mitch McConnell is standing up to the bullshit somewhat! Ten Republicans were seen in broad daylight talking to Joe Biden about Covid relief efforts - a huge step! But are there more than ten? Remember, we need 17!

Yes! We know Lindsey Graham is one of them, fickle bitch that he is, and there are undoubtedly more.

And here's  how we get them to vote in favor of impeachment! We let them know that WE WILL PROTECT THEM!

Now is the time to write your Senators and let them know - if you vote against Trump, we WILL fight to guard YOU! To guard your FAMILY! To protect you from the hordes of Trumpers who dared to attack the very heart of our nation!

HERE is where you get to fight to REALLY make a difference. If you marched for BLM, if you protested police violence, if you were bound and determined to do SOMETHING this past summer, let me tell you...


Tell your Republican Senators that if they vote to impeach, we've got their back! Tell them we'll protect their family at the store! Tell them that we will get in between any Trumpanzee and them!

Let them know: WE'VE GOT THEIR BACK!

And MEAN it! I don't know about you, but any Republican who votes against Trump (and keep in mind, in my case that means Ron Johnson - which is huge!) will be a person I'll FIGHT to PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT if anyone dares threaten him afterward!

This is not only HOW we fight, this is WHEN we fight! If you wanted to fight before, you should fight now! If you DID fight before, you MUST fight now! This is the winning shot!



We need this. Now. RIGHT now!



Right now!

