Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Post Office Trap!

Right-wingers really have it in for the Post Office. Specifically, they believe mail-in ballots are a sure-fire way to ensure Democratic cheating in the upcoming election this November. As such, they attack the Post Office itself, calling it a dysfunctional institution and insisting that we get rid of it, altogether. Trump, especially, wants to see the Post Office fail, and thus deny a major means for Democrats to cast their votes less than 100 days from now.

For now, I'll abandon the bullshit arguments about how mail-in balloting somehow makes it easier to cheat. It simply doesn't. Instead, I'll focus on how Trump's attempt to undermine the Post Office is a trap.

Small businesses everywhere rely upon the Post Office every day. More e-commerce packages reach homes through the Post Office than through any other institution. It is a less expensive option than UPS and FedEx for small packages which are in no real hurry, and for most small commerce, it is still the primary means of shipping items. And before you argue that Spotify, Pandora, Netflix and Kindle have made hard-copies of media unnecessary, please bear in mind that many people still love to own hard copies, and have no intention of giving them up soon.

Even UPS and FedEx rely upon the Post Office to get their packages the last few miles to their destinations. Why? Because it saves them time, and it saves them gasoline. The Post Office is the only institution with the expertise, and the infrastructure, to guarantee delivery to every inaccessible nook and cranny of the United States.

Right now, more people rely on the Post Office than ever before, as e-commerce sales go up due to Covid-19 quarantines.

Small USPS packages are the lifeblood of small stores and restaurants who desperately rely on it to save money on shelf goods, spices for recipes, specialty soaps, or other small businesses that live on Amazon, Etsy or eBay. Think of all the mom-and-pop businesses, already hit hard by Covid-19, who will suffer if what little money they were able to save suddenly gets eaten up having to pay more for every single item sold online - just because Republicans decided that USPS is no longer an option they approve of!

It will bring down the economy even further - just in time for the November election!

Republicans first started really attacking the Post Office back in the Bush 43 years. Republicans already hated the Post Office for having Union jobs which were unassailable. But when the Post Office began doing so well, it threatened to replace its entire fleet of trucks with electric vehicles in order to save money, the GOP really got PO'ed. Horrendous horrors! Electric postal vehicles? The oil lobby couldn't have that, could it? So, they required the Post Office to fully fund its pensions out to 75 years - something no private company ever has to do. This guaranteed the Post Office would be unable to draw a profit most years, and sure enough, plans for an electric fleet of trucks went out the window. Furthermore, they restricted price hikes beyond a certain point each year, guaranteeing that the Post Office could not capitalize on peak periods, such as Christmas, to draw a higher profit. Since then, Republicans have been attacking the Post Office for being unable to break even every year.

In other words, first they broke the Post Office's legs, then attacked it for being lame.

Now, Louis DeJoy, a Trump mega-donor and sycophant, is Postmaster General, and he has been proposing changes and slowdowns which have fouled up postal delivery - which perhaps, he thinks he wants. Certainly, Trump is convinced he wants it. The USPS is facing a huge budgetary shortfall this year, which threatens to undermine it altogether - right when we need it the most.

Correction, right when the economy needs it most.

We need the Post Office for much more than the election. We need it for Halloween and Christmas!

IF Trump wants any hope at all of winning the election in November, he must fully fund the Post Office, and do it NOW! Of course, that means that the mail-in ballots he fears will boost the Democratic Party vote will be unstoppable, but then, if he deserves to win, he will simply have to win over the votes of those Americans, too. It's a simple formula: Win more votes than the other guy.

If his strategy to win is preventing those who disapprove of you from getting to the polls, he simply doesn't deserve to win in the first place.

Meanwhile, it's a classic Catch-22. If Trump undermines the Post Office, the economy suffers even more than it already has, and he loses the election. If he funds the Post Office, and mail-in ballots pour in from all over the country, he loses anyway.

Pick your poison, President Trump. If I were you, I'd fully fund the Post Office and take the chance that it will help the economy recover in time for November.



Monday, July 27, 2020

What Now, Wursthaus? Sci Fi!

I've done a lot of debunking over the last couple of weeks. And I plan to continue doing so. But I have to be honest, these type of posts do very little for me except make me angry. When I left Christianity years ago, I literally sacrificed it all. I lost my whole social circle, my chosen career as a minister, everything. I did this for the sake of Truth. For me, Truth is worth more than anything. Anything! I'm very well aware that if I were to re-commit myself to Christ, renounce atheism and write a book, I could go on tour and retire a very, very rich man in only a few years! I would have the vocal volume I crave in the public media. But then, what would I say, except bullshit?

So, when I look at the silly people on Fox, or PragerU, or OAN, or any other right-wing spin-city, I can't help but get really pissed. These deluded sheep would have to give up very, very little to embrace Truth, yet they don't. Somehow, they remain committed to obvious, obvious bullshit in the face of staggering evidence to the contrary. Fucking why?! Shit, I sacrificed everything! What's their excuse?!

As such, I'm going to occasionally shift topics. It's time for science fiction! Years ago, I started using this blog to publish my debunking of creationist nonsense, and that didn't garner me any additional friends, but it was fun. So that's what I'm going to do again - have fun. Because if it's not fun, what's the point?

I hope you'll be willing to have fun with me on this blog. If you're a fan of sci fi, welcome aboard. If you're only here for the political stuff, well, you may want to skip the geek postings.

Time to boldly go to a galaxy far, far away...



Friday, July 24, 2020

Left vs Liberal: Another PragerU Lie

Dennis Prager continues to be one of the more interesting nuts, and entertaining liars, of our increasingly surreal political landscape. Case in point: he draws an imaginary distinction between "Liberal," and "Leftist."

Check this out:

"What's the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist?" he asks. "This question stumps most people because they think Liberal and Left are exactly the same. But they're not. In fact Liberalism and Leftism have almost nothing in common. But the Left has appropriated the word "Liberal" so effectively, almost everyone, Liberals, Leftists and Conservatives, thinks they're synonymous. But they're not!"

He says this in one of PragerU's more prominent videos, "Left or Liberal?" You can watch the video yourself, here.

What Prager seems to be trying to do is divide and conquer. By convincing moderate Liberals that they have more in common with conservatism, he believes he can win many of them over to join the "big tent" of centrist conservatism.

It might work, if Donald Trump weren't his president. But he tries desperately anyway. Observe:

"Let me offer you six examples," Prager says. "1) Race.This is probably the most obvious difference between liberal and left. The liberal position on race has always been a) the color of a person's skin is insignificant, and b) those who believe race is significant are racists! Meanwhile the Left believes the very opposite. To the Left, it's the liberal attitude toward race, it's unimportant, that is racist. That's why the University of California officially lists the statement, "There is only one race, the human race," as racist! And Liberals have always been passionately committed to racial integration, while the Left is increasingly committed to racial segregation, such as all-black dormitories, and separate black graduations at universities."

Time for a dose of reality. The phrase "There is only one race, the human race," is one I whole-heartedly stand by, and I do so as a LEFTIST, not merely a "Liberal." So right there, I am living, empirical proof that Prager is dead wrong!

But let's dig deeper: DID the University of California officially list that phrase as racist?

As it turns out, sort of yes, but not really. Dennis is referring to a news story that broke back in June of 2015, in which the University of California was condemning "microaggressions," such as speaking out against affirmative action. "The human race is the only race," was singled out as a "microaggression" because it denies “the significance of a person of color’s racial/ethnic experience and history.” Of course, it does no such damned thing! But the point is, saying that a phrase denies experience or history is hardly calling it "racist!" So Prager is citing a true example of political correctness run amok, but he is deliberately inaccurate regarding the citation!

NOW, we can backtrack to Prager's depiction of the "Liberal" position that "the color of a person's skin is insignificant." That is NOT the liberal position! The liberal position is that the color of a person's skin shouldn't be significant! But of course, due to the persistence of racism, it sadly is. Which means Prager's "point b)" is completely off-base. Liberals and leftists alike recognize that racism still exists, and that 1) that forces it to be significant, and 2) something must be done about it!

As opposed to Dennis Prager's approach, which is, do nothing about it. Pretend it isn't there.

In fact, saying, "the color of a person's skin is insignificant," is a deliberate attempt at erasing the lingering problems recent racism has caused, and continues to cause. It is effectively saying, "The racist party is over. So we don't need to bother cleaning up the mess it left behind!" Yeah? Bullshit! Pick up a damned broom!

All black dormitories? All black graduations? Prager is referring to "Affinity Housing" programs. They do seem to improve graduation rates among African-Americans in Universities, and yet I must admit, Prager comes close to actually having a point. Exposure to a diversity of viewpoints, people and opinions is one of the primary reasons one goes to college in the first place. Cutting out the integration between whites and blacks on campus seems like the exact opposite of learning. But Prager's argument is simply, "get rid of it!" I'd say a better idea is to research why such programs work, and try to implement the benefits without the regression into segregation. Surely, it must be possible. There are historically black colleges and universities (HBCU's) which effectively amount to black dorms and black graduations anyway. Prager said nothing against those, nor could he.

Prager goes on: "2) Capitalism. Liberals have always been pro-capitalism because liberals are committed to free enterprise, and because they know that capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of poverty. It is true that liberals want government to play a bigger role in the economy than conservatives do. But liberals never opposed capitalism, and they were never for socialism. Opposition to capitalism, and advocacy of socialism, are left-wing values."

Prager has obviously never visited my home town of Milwaukee, WI. Socialists ran the city from 1892 to 1960, and they didn't do half bad, either. Socialist Milwaukee endured the Great Depression better than any other city did, built a baseball stadium and thus attracted two major league baseball teams (the Boston Braves, who became the Milwaukee Braves, and the Seattle Pilots, who became the Milwaukee Brewers after the Braves moved to Atlanta), and built one of the best zoological gardens in the world. So Prager's insistence that Liberals have never been in favor of Socialism is again empirically false! An entire city proves him wrong!

But aside this, Prager insists that Liberals always backed Capitalism, and never Socialism, as if somehow the two were mutually exclusive. It IS possible to be both Capitalist and Socialist! One could be, like myself, convinced of the merits of a mostly Capitalist system, with a few, essential, Socialistic checks and balances put in place to prevent 1) monopoly/monopsony, 2) income inequality, and 3) environmental ruin.

Prager also admits that Liberals want government to play a bigger role in the economy. Well, no shit! What do you think a bigger economic role for the government is if not Socialist?!

Prager tries again: "3) Nationalism. Liberals believe in the nation state, whether that nation is the United States, Brazil, or France. But because the Left divides the world by class rather than by national identity, the Left has always opposed nationalism. So, while Liberals have always wanted to protect national sovereignty and borders, the Left is for open borders."

The Left is NOT for open borders! (Just listen to some of Obama's speeches regarding closed borders, if you doubt.) But it IS for accepting responsibility in generating the refugees that are fleeing here. After all, those refugees are fleeing to the U.S., because it's the U.S.'s fault!

America has been playing petty despot in Latin America for decades. U.S. anti-drug laws have kept Mexico's drug cartels flush with cash. U.S. gun laws, influenced heavily by the NRA, have kept those same Mexican cartels armed to the teeth! In fact, there is a direct correlation between guns flowing south of the border and refugees flowing north of it! If one is to build a wall for any reason, it should be to keep guns IN the U.S.! And let's not forget other ways the U.S. has fucked over Latin America. The Iran-Contra scandal, for instance. The toppling of Manuel Noriega. The C.I.A. giving weapons to anti-communist rebels in exchange for cocaine. Surely, we can take in some of the poor, huddled masses we helped to create!

But check out Prager's next whopper! "When the writers of Superman were Liberals, Superman was a proud American whose very motto was, 'Truth, Justice, and the American Way.' But that all changed a few years ago when left-wing writers took over the comic strip, and had Superman renounce his American citizenship, to be a citizen of the world. The left has a contempt for nationalism, seeing it as the road to fascism. Better that we should ALL be citizens of the world, in a world without borders."

It's true. In the 900th issue of Superman, April, 2011, the Man of Steel declared that he would go before the United Nations and renounce his U.S. Citizenship. "I'm tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy," he says.

The part Prager downplays (probably because the man's probably never read a comic book in his life) is that every time Superman saved the day in a country outside the U.S., that country inevitably saw his act as an intercession of American military power! Naturally, that grated on Superman after a while! It was a great plot development, and took Superman into new areas to keep the comic character alive and relevant. But Prager sees it as a slight against his country.

Someone needs to remind Prager that the whole reason Superman kept repeating that he fought for "Truth, Justice and the American Way" in the first place was because conservatives like him, during the McCarthy era of "Red Scare" tactics, threatened to shut down the comic book industry in the 1950's because it supposedly "promoted communism." Almost overnight, minor comic book characters that were patriotic, and invented during the WWII era, became super-patriotic central characters! Not only did Superman repeat his "American Way" motto in every comic, but Captain America went from becoming one minor character to becoming THE Marvel Comic standard, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and leader of The Avengers!

Yes, Leftists have a global view of the world. But so do Liberals! We recognize that "America first" does not mean "fuck everybody else," as Trump seems to think it does. We have a responsibility to help all nations share a measure of prosperity, and that this will help America prosper, too!

But wait, there's more! "4) View of America. Liberals have always venerated America. Watch American films from the 1930's through the 1950's, and you will be watching overly patriotic, America-celebrating films, virtually all produced, directed, and acted, by liberals. Liberals were quite aware of America's imperfections, but they agree with Abraham Lincoln that America is 'the last, best hope for earth.' The left, however, believes the Left is the last, best hope for earth. And regards America as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, violent, and imperialistic."

What evidence does Prager give for any of this? Zero, of course. He can prove that Liberals venerated America by citing film history, but is there anything he can cite showing "the Left" believes that only "the Left" can save the world? Of course not! We're just meant to assume that's true.

For most of Dennis' viewers, only the die-hards will have watched the video this far, and most Liberals will have turned the video off in disgust. Perhaps that's what he was counting on.

I mean, give me a break! "The Left" doesn't see itself as the last, best hope for earth. But it does recognize the radical Right as the biggest threat to human freedom! Not only are Christians trying to subvert religious freedom by garnering undue favoritisms for themselves, the Muslims are slowly subverting democracy towards its own ends. It is odd that Christians recognize the injustice Islam is doing, while failing to recognize the exact, same tactics within itself.

And Dennis Prager is one of the biggest fools trying to subvert the government towards Judeo-Christian ends.

At this point, I almost pity Prager. But he continues, "5) Free Speech. No one has been more committed than American liberals to the statement, 'I wholly disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' But the left is leading the first wide-spread suppression of free speech in modern American history, from the Universities, to the tech companies that govern the Internet, to almost every other institution and place of work. Of course, the Left claims to only oppose 'hate speech.' But putting aside the fact that the Left deems 'hate speech' anything it differs with, protecting what you or I would consider 'hate speech,' is the entire point of free speech!"

Here, Prager has a bit of a point. Yes, there is something in the Left called "cancel culture," and it does give liberalism a real P.R. problem. Yes, there are people who take political correctness too far and endeavor to shut down all who disagree with them. But these are wing-nuts, amplified by the Internet to be seen as far more influential than they really are. For Prager to single out the extremists and label them "the Left," as if somehow you could demonize the word, is simply irresponsible. And let's not forget, the Right has its extremists, too! And Donald Trump, the man Prager dares to defend, is one of them!

"6) Western Civilization. Liberals have always championed, and sought to protect Western Civilization. Liberals celebrate the West's unique moral, philosophical, artistic, musical and literary achievements, and have taught them at virtually every University. The most revered Liberal in American political history, President Franklin Roosevelt, often cited the need to protect Western Civilization, and even Christian Civilization. Yet when President Donald Trump spoke of the need to protect Western Civilization, in a speech in Warsaw, the Left-wing media, also known as the mainstream media, denounced him. They argued that Western Civilization is no better than any other, and that Western Civilization is just a euphemism for white supremacy."

First, FDR was the most revered Liberal in American political history. It is now Barack Obama, and we all know what Prager thinks of him!

Second, of course both Liberals and Leftists want to preserve Western Civilization. But we knew what it meant when it came out of Trump's mouth! It wasn't what he said, it was the way he said it, and in the context of WHO said it! Had Barack Obama given the speech in Warsaw, it would have been understood that by "Western Civilization," he meant democratic freedoms of the West. To Trump, "Western Civilization" meant Europeans kicking Syrians out. That's why the "mainstream media" (which is NOT, by the way, actually the same thing as the "Left-wing media") correctly denounced him.

Third, Western civilization IS no better than any other in terms of heritage or history. Do Liberals and Leftists believe that democracy is superior to Arab feudalism or Chinese communism? Absolutely! But that's not the same thing as saying "Western Civilization" is somehow superior in its own right.

Fourth, Prager emphasizes how FDR praised Christian Civilization. Putting aside the fact that it was a different America in FDR's time, we must note that's the real point for Praeger! He wants to re-Christianize America. True, he is Jewish, but so was Jesus, and the Judeo-Christian bloc is very real in America.

"So, then, if Liberalism and Leftism are so different, why don't Liberals oppose the Left? In a nutshell, because they have been taught all their lives to fear the Right."

Um, no, Doofus. It is because the division between "Liberal" and "Leftist" doesn't exist except in your own sad, twisted little mind.

"But as one of the best-known liberals in America, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, said, 'As a liberal, as an American, and as a Jew, I far more fear the Left than the Right.'"

This quote is from Prager's movie "No Safe Spaces," and it illustrates something observers have noted about Dershowitz for some time: He's shifted decidedly to the right. Not entirely to the right, but he's definitely done so. When he dared defend Trump during his impeachment hearings, he was doing much more than being a Devil's advocate. He was joining the Trump cult. Heaven knows why. It's not just Trump's support of Israel. Dershowitz and every Jew would see better support for Israel from Mike Pence. No, it was something else. I don't know what it is, yet, but I'll find it. Maybe Dershowitz's new book, The Case for Liberalism in an Age of Extremism: or, Why I Left the Left But Can't Join the Right, might have some answers.

"Dear Liberals," Praeger says, "Conservatives are not your enemy. The Left is."

Okay, even if he'd made a case that "the Left" was somehow the enemy of Liberalism, how does he make the quantum leap to concluding that conservatives aren't an enemy? Is there suddenly a quota of only one enemy per political ideology? Is the enemy of one's enemy automatically a friend, even when he's an arch-enemy?

Now, let me simply say that for myself, and indeed anyone else familiar with the English language, the word "Leftist" means exactly that - everything politically to the Left of Centrism. That would include classic liberalism, modern liberalism, progressivism, and even more extreme elements like socialism and communism.

Why, oh, why, is Prager so full of himself that he thinks he can actually rewrite the definition of "Leftist" to be only the most extreme elements of Left-wing politics?

I don't know where Prager picked up the idea, but the first example I could find of "Left" and "Liberal" being two separate concepts comes from the pen of Nathan J. Robinson. In an article he wrote for Current Affairs, June 7th, 2017, he drew a distinction between "Liberals," by which he meant the Hillary Clinton camp, and "Leftists," which basically meant the Bernie Sanders camp.

Robinson did say things like, "The liberal sees the conservative patriot wearing a flag pin and says: 'A flag pin isn’t what makes you a patriot.' The leftist says: 'Patriotism is an incoherent and chauvinistic notion.' The liberal says, 'We’re the real ones who love America,' while the leftist says, 'What is America?' or 'I don’t see what it would mean to love or hate a meaningless conceptual entity.'"

And maybe that's where he got the idea. He saw the divide between Berniecrats and Hillaryites and decided to appeal to one of them. Indeed, we don't begin to see this doctrine emerge from Prager, or anyone else on the Right, until 2017, or so. Maybe it's at this point, or a bit earlier, that conservatives saw an opening. Elizabeth Bruenig published an article on Medium.com (July 17, 2017) which argued something very similar to Prager's video. By September of 2017, Prager wrote his own article. The video wasn't made until 2018, at which point he decided that this line of argument had merit, and ought to continue.

Or maybe he got the idea from Dershowitz when he made his movie, "No Safe Spaces." Who knows?

The bottom line is, there may be a divide between Liberals and Progressives, but the divide between Liberals and "the Left" does not exist.

And Dennis will find that out the hard way when he sees a unified Leftist front defeat Trump in November.



Thursday, July 16, 2020

Takedown Of Turning Point USA - "Why Abortion Is Anti-Science"

I've been taking on PragerU quite a bit lately. This time, I thought I'd take a break from that and instead attack a different right-wing propaganda machine: Turning Point USA.

Turning Point USA is largely targeted at younger, college-aged people, with quick-hitting videos designed to catch their attention on social media. For example, one short video series is called "Pop-litics," hosted by a young, pretty thing named Alex Clark - who strongly resembles Cordelia from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Or, there's "Benny On The Block," in which a young man named Benny Johnson travels the country and talks to everyday Americans about the issues of the day. Most of these videos are several minutes or less, and are designed to cut through the din of information overload.

The video I'm going to focus on is an episode of a series called "180," in which a young conservative tries convincing you of something in 3 minutes. In this episode, a young black woman named Zoe Sozo makes her case for why Abortion is Anti-Science. You can watch the video yourself, here.

Zoe begins her first minute by not talking about science at all. Rather, she tells her own heartfelt story of how she was 21, pregnant, and felt pressured to get an abortion. But in the end, she opted to keep her baby, and has zero regrets.

That's all well and good. But from there, it become a one-argument drum-beat. She says that during the time of her pregnancy, she felt that the baby was a separate life inside of her, and that she had no right to take that life away.

"DNA science has proven my conclusion to be correct," she says. "Babies in the womb are unique individuals. Science has proven that mothers and their babies, in utero have completely separate DNA. The baby's DNA is unique to them." She the goes on to cite how, in forensics, DNA is used as the strongest possible evidence that a suspect was at a crime scene, because nothing matches the uniqueness of a DNA molecule.

There's no reason for me to argue the point. She is correct: the DNA of a fetus in utero is uniquely different from that of its mother. In fact, 50% unique, because half of its DNA comes from the father. But DNA, by itself, does not define a living being. In fact, it does not even define a unique human being, necessarily.

There is the case of twins, for example. Identical twins have the exact same DNA structure. So, in utero, when a pair of twins is present, what defines their unique identity? It can't be DNA, that's logically ruled out! It must be something else!

That something else, of course, is the fetal brain. I have argued many times, on this blog and elsewhere, that the brain defines the being. Put simply, one isn't truly dead until a person is brain dead. Heartbeat, respiration, and sustaining of body temperature could all cease, and yet a person might still be revived, if that person's brain has not yet expired.

By the same token, a person does not truly begin to live until the brain has crossed a certain threshold of development. Just as dead means brain-dead, so also alive means brain-alive!

"But wait!" objects the pro-lifer, "It's obvious that a freshly conceived zygote is alive and human! How can you say that it's not truly alive until it's brain-alive?!"

1) Alive, yes, 2) human, yes. But to be a living, human 3) being, requires a brain developed enough to experience. It's that crucial third category that's lacking in the early stages of development.

And it's in those early stages of development that abortion can be performed with a clear conscience.

So, at what stage of development would I draw the line? As it happens, Zoe helps us with this! There is a huge growth-spurt in the brain between 20-24 weeks of development. That's when the cerebrum, the center of thinking and experience, completes its basic formation. Because this is when the brain's minimal operating basics have completed forming, it is the earliest a fetus can be saved if it is born prematurely. Sure enough! This is exactly what Zoe tells us in her video! She points out that the earliest preemies have been saved at 23 weeks of development - right at the dividing line I've just detailed!

So that's the point at which growing human fetus becomes growing human being: 23 or 24 weeks. And it is then and only then that we should consider giving the pre-born rights under the law!

And this, by the way, is EXACTLY the same argument that was used by the National Right to Life Committee when it began a big push for "20-week abortion bans" in many states, beginning from about 2010 on through today. The argument was/is that fetal brain development makes a fetus capable of pain at 20 weeks, and therefore all abortion should be banned from that point of development on. In fact, many bills which passed in state legislatures were phrased as "Pain-Capable Acts." But, of course, this admitted, fully and finally, that conception is not the proper place to draw the line! The anti-abortion movement says 20 weeks, marking the absolute earliest point in which the fetus might, just might, be capable of feeling pain, but science says that realistically, 24 weeks is more accurate. But both sides agreed, just this once.

And from N.O.W., N.A.R.A.L., and Planned Parenthood? Not a goddamned peep! Come on, guys!

There are exceptions, of course. If a fetus suffers, for example, from anencephaly, which is when the fetus forms no brain at all - merely a brain stem, then there's no being there at all. Late-term abortion could be performed in such an instance as well.

"Modern abortionists want to increase the time in which a baby can be aborted," Zoe says. Yeah, well, only in certain circumstances, all of which are medical ones in which the fetus is already doomed. But does Zoe bother detailing any of that? Does she deal with any science at all, other than the uniqueness of DNA? No, she does not!

I needn't bother with the remainder of Zoe's video. She goes into a polemic about what she thinks are the evils of Planned Parenthood, how it supposedly encourages abortion for the sake of convenience, and the fact that most abortions are performed on the poor. (Good!)

"The modern Left is anti-science on the issue of abortion. Plain. And. Simple." Zoe tells us. Well, if so, it certainly isn't because SHE made anything like a case!



Wednesday, July 15, 2020

PragerU Lies Again: Inconvenient Truth About Democrats?

It is truly amazing how hard the people at PragerU work to undermine the truth. Case in point: one of their more popular 5-minute videos titled, "The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party." You can watch the video yourself, here.

It's almost exactly the same nonsense I debunked four years ago when Dinesh D'Sousa attempted this same historical rewrite. You can see that blog post here.

Once again, we are treated to the history-bending meanderings of Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University. According to Swain, the Democratic Party was the party who, back in the 1800's, 1) defended slavery, 2) started the civil war, 3) opposed reconstruction, 4) founded the Ku Klux Klan, 5) imposed segregation, 6) perpetrated lynchings, and, much later, 7) fought the Civil Rights Acts.

As usual, Carol is only half right. The half she is ignoring is that northern Democrats opposed all of the items on her list.

The break between northern and southern Democrats had been brewing for decades before it came to a head in the years just before the Civil War. But the break finally occurred in 1860, when liberal Democrats in the north and conservative Democrats in the south broke down over the issue of slavery. When the Southern Democrats couldn't get their way at the 1860 convention, an extra-militant group of them known as the "Fire Eaters" staged a walkout! The Southern Democrats then held their own convention, and elected their own candidate, John C. Breckenridge, who had been the vice president under James Buchanan. The Northern Democrats picked Stephen A. Douglas as their candidate. Douglas was so opposed to the expansion of slavery in Kansas and elsewhere that he came up with the "Freeport Doctrine," which basically said that the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court could be circumvented simply by not funding any police force meant to enforce slavery or the recapture of runaway slaves! Naturally, the Southern Democrats weren't going to have anything to do with that! The split between the Northern Democrats and the Southern Democrats was one of the key factors which allowed Abraham Lincoln to win a plurality, take the Electoral College, and become the 16th President of the United States.

Had this break not existed, Lincoln would not have won.

After the Civil War, the Democratic Party reunified, but there was always an uneasy split, and an uncomfortable alliance, between the liberals of the North and the conservatives of the South. What unified them was Christian values, and a desire to help the poor as Jesus taught.

When abortion got added to the mix in the 1980's, all that changed.

The Republican Party, it should be noted, had a similar, if less divisive split, with northern Republicans being largely anti-union conservatives in favor of big business, and southern Republicans being liberals who opposed Jim Crow laws, albeit quietly (because open opposition might get them killed).

While it's true that Southern Democrats defended slavery, opposed reconstruction, and imposed segregation, they did not, by themselves, start the Civil War. The Civil War was started by a matrix of parties and interests, all of whom agreed that imposition of federal laws upon southern states' rights regarding slavery was going too far.

It is also not true that Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan. True, its founders were mostly Southern Democrats, but not all of them. And, it should be noted, at its height, the Ku Klux Klan was most popular, not for its stance against Civil Rights, but for its stance against the Catholic Church! The KKK was seen as a W.A.S.P. movement! Not necessarily an anti-black one.

Swain points out that in the Dred Scott decision, the seven Supreme Court justices who voted in favor of Slaves being property were all Democrats, while the two who opposed the decision were Republicans. That's barely true, because both parties were relatively new at that time. Technically, most of the justices were actually Whigs! But of the seven "Democrats," four were from the south: James Wayne (Georgia), John Catron (Tennessee), Peter Daniel (Virginia), and John Campbell (Alabama). The three from the North, Samuel Nelson (Pennsylvania), Robert Grier (New York), and Chief Justice Roger Tanney (Maryland), all predated the northern/southern Democratic party split due to their advanced age. Their opinions were less about being Democrats and more about being elderly conservatives.

Swain points out that John Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln, was a Democrat. She again fails to note that he was a Southern Democrat. And Lincoln's successor, Swain adds, was also a Democrat (back when a vice-presidential candidate was often a member of the opposing party). She neglects to mention that Johnson was born and raised in North Carolina, and later ran for office in Tennessee, making him a very definite Southern Democrat.

Yes, Johnson opposed Lincoln's plan to integrate the freed slaves. Yes, he and the Southern Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. But again, Swain absolutely neglects to point out that these were all Southerners, and that the Democrats in the North largely supported these measures! Swain's claim that "these measures only passed because of universal support from the Republicans," ignores the fact that there weren't all that many Republicans in Congress at the time, and that if it weren't for Northern Democrats, these amendments would have failed!

Yes, most African-Americans who were elected to Congress after the Civil War were Republicans. Swain correctly points out that Democrats did not elect a black man to Congress until 1935. (Actually, 1934, because Arthur Wergs Mitchell, the Congressman in question, didn't take office until 1935.) What she deliberately overlooks is that this was two years after Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected, and his New Deal brought African-American voters over to the Democratic Party in substantial numbers for the first time.

By the mid 1930's, the Democratic Party was beginning to change.

Swain goes on to point out that, after the Civil War ended, Democrats roared back into power in the South, and enacted many restrictive laws against the newly freed slaves, including poll taxes, literacy tests, property restrictions, and of course, Jim Crow laws. She points out that the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest, was himself a Democrat. But guess what she neglects to mention? That's right! She leaves out the fact that these were Southern Democrats, and that the Democrats to the North disagreed with all of it!

Yes, Woodrow Wilson was a racist dick who screened "Birth of a Nation" at the White House. Yes, he was a Democrat. But he was also a pre-FDR Southern Democrat! The persistence of Carol Swain's refusal to acknowledge this simple fact of history is remarkable! It is a deliberate and malicious attempt at taking a giant eraser to much of American history.

Swain then delves into what she perceives as Democrats' opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I have already dealt with that in a previous blog post, so I'll keep it brief, here. Swain points out that over 80% of Republicans and less than 70% of Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. She says that the only serious opposition to the bill came from Democrats. She is correct in that the filibuster of the Senate bill was organized by Democrats. But guess what? She neglects the "southern" part of that equation, yet again! And while 80% sounds like more than 70%, we must remember that Republicans were a minority in both House and Senate. Only 41% of the House of Representatives were Republicans, and in the Senate, it was only 33%. So while 80% sounds laudable, both parties still passed the Civil Rights act with overwhelming majorities. And again, the Southern Democrat equation cannot be ignored. Unless your name is Carol Swain, that is.

But then Carol Swain tells the biggest whopper of all! She says, "But then, Democrats came up with a new strategy. If blacks are going to vote, they might as well vote for Democrats. As Lyndon B. Johnson said, "I'll have them Ni**ers voting Democrat for 200 years.' So now, the Democratic party prospers on the votes of the very people it has spent much of its history oppressing."

Okay, LBJ was a weirdo, and a bit of a racist himself. But he stuck with JFK's promise to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to implement the Civil Rights Acts. When push came to shove, he did the right thing. And yet again, she ignores that the Democratic votes which opposed blacks were 1) SOUTHERN, and 2) CONSERVATIVE. In the Dixie South, votes were driven by Jesus, and White Folks.

Oh, one more thing, the reference LBJ thing should remind us all of one overriding truth: DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. WAS ALSO A DEMOCRAT!

When Christian Conservatism turned to the Republican party to endorse its fight against abortion in the late 70's and early 80's, it sealed the deal which completed the transformation of the racist Southern Democrats into dog-whistle racist Southern Republicans!

Swain says, "Democrats falsely claim that the Republican party is the villain, when in reality, it's the failed policies of the Democratic party that have kept blacks down. Massive government welfare has decimated the black family, opposition to school choice has kept them trapped in failing schools, politically correct policing has left black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime."

Let's unpack all this: Has government welfare really been the thing which drove apart black families? Not quite! Most government assistance goes to white people! In 2015 (the most recent numbers I could find) 24.9 million whites were on government assistance vs. 11.2 million blacks. And in 2017, 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks.  If welfare is driving apart families, why isn't it white families that are being driven apart?

It turns out that black women married at a higher rate than white women during the 1950's! This tapered off in the 60's, and really began to go south in the 70's and 80's. Why the sudden decline? The answer, of course, has to do with economics, not welfare. In the 70's, white flight took white residents out of the cities, taking many jobs with them. Globalization and the sending of central-city manufacturing jobs overseas certainly didn't help, either. Young black men without a job are neither inclined to marry, nor are marriage material. Young black women who want to marry find that men without employment are not good prospects as husbands. And, of course, targeted policing took many men of marriageable age out of the equation. It's hard for a black man to marry and support a family from behind bars.

Let's not also forget the Republican elephant in the room - abortion. With Republicans increasingly insisting that young black teenage mothers not abort their fetuses at 15 and 16, the number of unwed black mothers shot way up. Contraception has always been one of the surest means to bring economic prosperity to the poor - but Republicans will have none of it!

What about school choice? Is that keeping blacks trapped in failing schools?

School choice is an interesting concept. Put forth by economist Milton Friedman, it pits schools against each other in competition to see which among them teach better. Ideally, this should mean that all students benefit. But is that the case?

As it happens, no. What charter schools tend to do in school choice situations is known as a "three-week drop." The charter school receives the voucher payment from the family of the student. Then, if the student needs extra help with his or her learning, he/she gets dropped after three weeks! The charter school gets to KEEP the voucher money! And the poor student? He or she has no choice but to go BACK to the public school system, which has no choice legally but to accept that student, for free. Thus, the public schools do not improve with this kind of "competition." Instead, the public schools get shat upon, while the charter schools get to artificially inflate their academic achievement numbers. The students who get kicked out lose, the drop out rate among those kids rises, poverty increases in the neighborhood, and so does crime and hopelessness.

There must be a better way.

And there is! Imagine if white people were still living predominantly in the inner cities. The higher cost of education there would simply be passed off as the higher cost of city living! Instead, with blacks dominating inner city schools, the higher cost is presumed to be a failure of the overall system.

I call bullshit!

The solution is to ante up the money for the best damned schools available within the cities! Yes, it costs more, but it also pays off, more! And consider, it will also integrate cities, as whites in the suburbs come back to the cities to take advantage of the best schools available!

It's a win-win!

Allow me to plug the idea of boarding schools. They are proven to work. They shut out problems like gangs, drugs, and poverty. Students in a boarding school have two worries: their next homework assignment, and their next test. And that's the way it should be! Yes, boarding schools cost more, but they REALLY WORK! And if, for the same amount of money as 10 failing public schools, you can buy 6 really great boarding schools which work well, would you be willing to pony up the  money for the remaining four?

I'd bet you are!

You see, school choice is really a way of streamlining schools, not improving education. It essentially says, "We'll fund education, but only if it doesn't cost one, single dollar more than is absolutely necessary!"

Swain really tied a Gordian knot with her run-on phrase, so let me loosen the last loop: "politically correct policing has left black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime."

Now, she could be referring to the recent movement to "defund" excessive policing from the inner city due to its proven inherent, structural racism. But Swain did this video back in 2017, long before George Floyd became the poster-child for everything wrong with the structure of policing. No, by "politically correct policing," she can only mean the removal of racial profiling. That's honestly what she means by "leaving black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime." She really thinks that cops roughing up more black kids is going to help prevent crime?! Well, time proved her wrong, didn't it?

Swain could have had a real argument against the Democratic party if she'd chosen to argue that centrist Democrats, like Bill Clinton or Joe Biden, went along with Republican anti-crime efforts in the early 90's with their efforts at building "Super-Max" prisons, and solving crime by locking more of it up. All this really did was create a new industry of private jails which has become a new form of oppression against black people. ("Orange is the new black.") But then again, had she made that argument, she would have to defend Republicans who went along with it, too. Perhaps she just doesn't want to deal with that little problem.

"So when you think about racial equality and Civil Rights, which political party should come to mind?" asks Swain.

I think we know the answer to that one.

Look, if Swain had confessed the past sins of the Republican party, and made a pitch that the Republican party of the future was committed to returning to the anti-slavery and Civil Rights platforms of its pre-Nixonian past, she might have a case. She might even win over a few legitimate converts. Hell, as a fiscal conservative, even I would find that sales pitch appealing! But instead, she chooses to - yes, the phrase is appropriate - white wash the past, pretend that the Republicans never appealed to the Southern Conservative Democrats or persuaded them to change parties, both for the sake of segregation and, later, abortion.

And furthermore, it was all concocted to make Republicans seem non-racist in the era of Donald Trump, the most obvious racist president we've ever had, and that includes Nixon, Wilson, and Andrew Jackson!

Hey, Carol! Want to make the Republican party REALLY seem anti-racist? Then FIRE TRUMP! Start over!

Meanwhile, I hope Carol enjoys her 30 pieces of silver. May she use it to buy a Potter's Field.



Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dennis Prager Gets It Wrong Again

Dennis Prager is a real character. On his self-made venue, PragerU, he tries to convince people that white privilege doesn't actually exist. That it was "invented by the Left," he says. I wanted to focus on the video with Prager himself, but the edited-down version is not on PragerU. The only version is the full half-hour "Fireside Chat," titled, "Ep. 138 - Pay Attention: Your Freedom Is Fragile." Interestingly, the edited version is only available on Facebook, where the PragerU people are complaining about discrimination. Well, so be it. You can see the short video on Facebook by clicking here.

Prager says that white privilege was invented by liberals "to explain why whites were doing better than blacks."

"But here's the thing," he says, "Asians are doing better than whites. Is there Asian privilege? Why not? Why don't they speak about Asian privilege?"

Let's take a good look at that. Praeger has apparently forgotten the once-common phrase, "Not a Chinaman's chance," which was still popular as late as the '70's. But yes, Asians are currently doing better than whites in many ways. Their structured culture lends itself well to academia, their strong family ties make upward mobility a bit easier, and they lend to each other freely. For every Sikh seen running an inner city convenient store or gas station, there are probably two or three sons out on a drilling rig in the Caribbean, transferring oil money back to their family in the U.S. to make sure that their little convenient store can never, ever be bought up by a black entrepreneur. But are these the only factors?

Let's face it: there IS a kind of Asian privilege! It comes in the form of white people not reacting with the kind of involuntarily-taught visceral fear they have towards blacks. When white suburbanites encounter Asians, they tend to ignore them. Police do not target them. And, for the most part, they are left to go about their own business. What's more, big companies like GE can meet their diversity quotas and appear to be equal opportunity employers by hiring dark-skinned Indians or Pakistanis. GE looks diverse, and they don't have to hire any of those icky people from "da hood!" The Asian privilege is simply this: white people aren't out to get them. In fact, they don't particularly mind when they're around, and when it comes to diversity hiring, they are outright favored!

The same thing that helps Asians is the same thing that hinders blacks: white people!

In other words, Praeger is saying that white attitudes that favor certain ethnic groups somehow constitutes evidence that white attitudes that don't favor other ethnic groups don't exist!


And let's also understand, "Asian" means quite a range of ethnicities! It could mean Chinese, Japanese, Hmong, Vietnamese, Laotian, Indian, Pakistani, Philippine or Indonesian, to name just several. It is logically and scientifically wrong to lump all these groups into one ethnic category and label it "Asian."

Just as an aside: a whole generation of young, white men learned to appreciate Asians and their heritage during the "conflicts" of Korea and Vietnam. It was a game-changer in many ways.

Praeger goes on to say, "How are black immigrants doing since the 1980's? African immigrants to the United States for the last 40 years? They're doing great. They're one of the most successful immigrant groups in American history. If there's so much white privilege and so much racism, why are African immigrants - and by the way, I'll bet you never learned this in school, ever, High school, college, graduate school - considerably more blacks have come to the United States from Africa voluntarily as immigrants than came involuntarily as slaves."

Praeger apparently forgot that populations grow. I'll not bother to check his math - I'll concede for the sake of brevity that more blacks arrived as immigrants than slaves. But why would a plantation owner import a slave when he could simply breed one in the field for free? And didn't African immigration to the U.S. have at least two centuries to catch up to the original number which were imported off slave-ships? Why, yes! Nobody bought slaves off a ship since 1808, when South Carolina became the last state to pass a law barring the importation of slaves.

But he nearly has a point. There are many young black people who see education as a "white thing." Who don't bother to study, because it's seen as "selling out." African immigrants look on this attitude with horror and amazement. Many of them come from countries where education is all but impossible, where homework must be done underneath the light of the only street-lamp in the center of town, or where governments don't invest in education at all. Yes, this attitude must be confronted, and changed.

But it IS being confronted and changed! Many in black academia do their damnedest to do so! Prager, however, sees the black youth's attitude as an excuse to imply that somehow black Americans are inherently lazy. It falls short of being outright racist due to the comparison with African immigrants, but it comes damned close! It essentially tells inner-city blacks: "You fail because you LET yourself fail! And I, from my heights, am therefore not obligated to help you in any way!"

Yeah, except you ARE, fool! "For as much as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me," Jesus said in the Gospels. Praeger, a Jew who supposedly defends America's Christian heritage, has done a piss-poor job of following the example of a Jewish carpenter.

"You know what privilege there is in life?" Prager asks. "The greatest privilege of all is being raised with two parents. Having a father in your life especially - because fathers generally set rules, and are models for boys, and boys need models, not to grow up violent, because male nature is violent."

There's no doubt, having a nuclear, two-parent family increases the chances of success for any child. A two-income household is much more likely to thrive than a one-income household. But this is another variant of the, "You are failing yourselves, so I shouldn't have to help you succeed," type of argument. How about you lend a hand, Mr. Prager? Then you can preach about marriage and fidelity!

And perhaps he does. But he didn't include that in this particular rant. That, by itself, is more evil than anything else he said - or neglected to.

Oh, yes, I know, this video was edited. But the full rant is here. And he doesn't say anything about his own personal charity there, either.

White privilege is REAL. What's fake is PragerU.

"Money is not the answer to everything," Dennis says. "Values is the answer to everything."

Ah, so THAT'S why you don't want any tax money to go to blacks! What bullshit!

Why, oh why, Dennis, can it not be both money AND values?



Monday, July 13, 2020

Whatever Happened To Tara Reade?

My, how times have changed! Don't like the political weather right now? Wait ten minutes!

It seems as though every single conservative media outlet, even the most venomous ones like Info Wars, has dropped the Tara Reade case. And you can bet your bottom dollar that if those media outlets, from Fox News to Breitbart and back again, have dropped Tara Reade like a hot potato, there was a damned good reason. Why? What could have happened?

Full disclosure, I originally gave Reade some credence. I believed certain aspects of her story, while being doubtful of some of the more lurid details. Then, upon hearing her interview with Katie Halper, I argued that the Democratic Convention should be brokered. I still had some doubts about the "digital penetration" aspect of Reade's story, but I felt that enough of her story was true that Biden couldn't be the candidate.

Well, it seemed my doubts were more justified than my fears. That second article of mine appeared in this blog on May 5th. But later on that month, many other journalists did the leg work I could not, bringing to light aspects of the Tara Reade story that brought down the entire house of cards.

Perhaps it began only a couple of days later, on May 7th, when Laura McGann reported her investigation of Tara Reade's story on Vox. McGann wanted to break the story in April of 2019, but there just wasn't enough evidence to go on. Eventually, other media outlets scooped her. But she remained committed to the story.

McGann's moment came when she compared her 2019 notes to her 2020 notes. "When we spoke a year ago," McGann writes, "Reade told me the only named sources she could give me were her deceased mother and the friend I spoke to. A recently uncovered tape of her mom on Larry King Live appears to corroborate Reade’s claim that she was struggling in Biden’s office in 1993, but does not include an assault allegation. When I reconnected with the friend I spoke to last year, who had previously told me Biden had not assaulted Reade [emphasis mine], she told me a version of the story that matched Reade’s latest account.
"This year, Reade said to Halper that she also told her brother about the alleged assault and harassment. He later told the Washington Post in an interview that he remembers his sister was upset in 1993 about Biden touching her neck and shoulders. He followed up with a Post reporter a few days later over text message to say Reade also said Biden 'put his hands under her clothes.'"

In other words, not only was Reade's story changing, but her primary witnesses were changing their stories as well. Not good.

Then her story changed again, this time in an interview with former Fox News host, Megyn Kelly. During that interview, Reade recounted her story, and said that at the time Joe had assaulted her, he whispered something into her ear. "I can’t remember everything he said," she told Kelly. “Something vulgar.” But Kelly prompted her: “May I ask what?” Reade replied, "He said, 'I want to fuck you.'"

Now, at this point, all my bullshit detectors began to go off. During an assault, if someone whispers something in your ear, you're going to find it impossible to forget because it will haunt you for the rest of your life. And she can't remember? And then, when prompted, she suddenly can remember? And she comes up with something so simple, and so direct, that it would be impossible to forget? How difficult is it to remember "I want to fuck you?" That's too simple, too concocted, and too out-of-character of Biden to be believable. Even if one argues that this is only one part, and that she'd already qualified her statement with "I can't remember everything..." it was prompted. Megyn Kelly cajoled Tara for a detail, and Tara simply blurted one out.

Yes, yes, I haven't forgotten, victims try their best to block out the event. They try to hide from the trauma. But that's exactly what would make any words spoken by Biden during the alleged event impossible to forget. Especially such a simple set of them. The phrase, "I want to fuck you," was clearly made up on the fly! And by my count, that's change of story #3, not counting the witnesses.

All that was bad enough, but on May 15th the proverbial shit really hit the fan. PBS News Hour reported having interviewed 74 former staffers of Joe Biden, 62 of whom were women, and not a single one of those interviewees reported any sexual harassment, assault, or misconduct by Biden. 20 Biden staffers who worked with Biden during the same time Tara Reade worked for him were also interviewed. None of them corroborated Reade's story. One of them, Ben Savage, said that Reade was the only staffer who struggled with her tasks - such as handling constituent mail, which both he and she worked on together. "Of all the people who held that position," he said, "she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up, or who found it frustrating."

At roughly the same time, Politico published a story about some of Tara Reade's other acquaintances, who described her as a manipulative and deceitful liar, often begging for money, and sometimes being outright combative. That, in and of itself, did not disprove Reade's story, but it certainly damaged the character of the witness.

"Character assassination," you say? Maybe by itself. Maybe from Breitbart or Rush Limbaugh. Maybe even Politico, if you're willing to stretch it. But PBS?

By May 19, CNN jumped off the bandwagon with an article confirming all the above points, plus emphasizing how glowingly Reade spoke of her time being employed by Joe Biden, and blaming her termination on health reasons. Again, this proves nothing, but taken together with everything else, it does weigh in.

But the real blow came on May 22. Doug Wigdor, the #MeToo lawyer who had been representing Tara, withdrew. He did not provide a reason, and said, his decision was "by no means a reflection on whether then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted Ms. Reade." Empirically, this was true, but it didn't look good, either.

Perhaps the reason he withdrew was because that same day, ABC News reported that no fewer than three times over the past two years, Tara Reade had taken the stand as an expert witness in sexual assault court cases. And what qualified her as an expert witness? Not the assault on her by Biden! Not even her being a victim, elsewhere. No, under oath, she testified that it was her former employment with Biden which qualified her as an expert witness! And furthermore, she worked with Biden while he worked on the Violence Against Women Act! She praised Biden's defending of women, and included herself among those who helped him. That's what qualified her to testify!

If I were Wigdor, I'd drop her as a client, too!

So, logically, we have only two choices: either she withheld a critical detail under oath no fewer than three times, or her accusations against Biden are false. The only thing we can't do is consider her a 100% honest witness.

This is why not even Fox News will touch her with a 10-foot pole, anymore. As desperate as the conservative fake-news outlets are to stain Biden with anything that will bring him down, they can't use Tara. Not anymore.

So where does that leave me? I first labeled Biden as "passable." Not excusable, just "passable." Then I argued for a brokered convention. Do I reverse course yet again?

Indeed, I must. Truth is truth, and I'm committed to the truth, no matter what. I haven't gotten it 100% right on this blog. Hell, back in 2016 I thought the bankruptcy story on Trump's tower in Canada was a game-changer, until I found out that the only thing having to do with Trump was someone paying a franchise fee. I don't always get it right. But when I get it wrong, I come clean.

In my defense, I never said I believed all of Reade's story. Some aspects of it, I still doubted. I only concluded that enough of her story was true to make Biden too unpalatable to be the Democratic nominee. It seems that the amount of her story that contained truth is somewhat less than I supposed.

But I still think something happened between Biden and Reade. No, I don't think he "digitally penetrated her." That part of the story always struck me as too Trump-like an element to be taken at face-value. I doubt Joe even reached underneath her clothes. However, the phrase, "But I thought you liked me," is so very Biden-esque that I can't help but believe it. I do think he made a pass at her. Maybe he even made a hard pass at her. But that's all it was. She said no, and that was that - until thirty-eight years later. Like any good liberal, he backed off. He didn't do a Trump-like move and "grab her by the pussy." The phrase, "I want to fuck you," is also pure bullshit. But I'm still convinced something did happen. It's just a little bit more in line with the seven other women who have accused Biden of being way too handsy at various events.

And that's just it. We all know Biden has been a handsy old fart. We know that he needs his afternoon nap if he's to function. Tara Reade tried to take that up a notch to knock him out of contention. It nearly worked, and perhaps would have if she'd struck sooner. Fox News, OAN, and all the other news outlets who made Trump their own personal Frankenstein monster, supported her cause. But when it became clear that she was no Blasey-Ford, they washed their hands of her like Pilate.

So will I, from here on. I'm done with this topic. Joe Biden is hereby re-elevated to the low-bar of "passable," on this blog.

Let's hope he stays there.



Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Prager U - And The Republican/Democrat Flip

One of the more aggressive Facebook presences these days is PragerU - a conservative can't-think-tank bent on promoting conservatism, truth be damned. It's the brainchild of Dennis Prager, a conservative wing-nut who has raised the stakes in extremism over the last few decades. This is the same guy who, when Keith Ellison (the first Muslim elected to Congress) was elected in 2006, and announced that he would swear-in on a Quran instead of a Bible, said, "Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible. If you are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don't serve in Congress."

Yeah, that guy.

So who would be interested in paying attention to this Limbaugh-wannabe? Apparently, a great number of people. PragerU has quite a following, because it confirms all the biases they love to assume. It's where the new darling of the dog-whistle Right, Candace Owens, has become a new, rising star as she convinces white people that they aren't really being passive racists through their economic apathy after all.

Well, I'll be using this blog to systematically tear apart all of PragerU's assumptions as frequently as time can spare to do so. And the thing I'll start with is a video which attempts to downplay something we all know to be true: The 20th century flip of Democrats from conservative to liberal, and the liberal-to-conservative flip of Republicans.

The video in question, the one which really set me off, is titled, "Why Did The Democratic South Become Republican?" You can see the video yourself, here. In it, one of Prager's on-staff Sherriff Clarkes (or Kanye Wests, if you don't get the reference), Carol Swain, a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University, hosts a five-minute-long bullshit session about why she thinks the South turned Republican. The answer, of course, is that the South was always Christian Conservative, and when the Republican party abandoned liberalism and embraced conservatism and the religious-right's campaign against abortion, the South eventually followed the Republican party's change. But Swain doesn't see it that way.

According to Swain, the Democratic party was once the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws, while the Republican Party was the party of emancipation and racial integration. Democrats largely sided with the Confederacy, while Republicans sided largely with the Union. This much, so far, is true.

"But then," she says, "everything supposedly flipped. In the 60's and 70's, Republicans became the racists, and Democrats became the party of civil rights."

"Fabricated by left-leaning journalists and academics," she hem-haws, "the story went like this: Republicans couldn't win a national election by appealing to the better nature of the country, they could only win by appealing to the worst. Attributed to Richard Nixon, the media's all-purpose bad-guy, this came to be known as the 'Southern Strategy.' It was very simple. Win elections by winning the South. And to win the South, appeal to racists. So the Republicans, the party of Lincoln, were now to be labeled, the party of rednecks. But this story of the two parties switching identities is a myth. In fact, it's three myths wrapped up in one."

She then proceeds to lay out each myth and why it is wrong. But before we go into that, we must recognize that the Republican and Democratic parties were not the only things that changed. The American people changed, too! The nation was in the grip of a Cold War which threatened to end everything in a nuclear holocaust at any moment. Young men had been sent off to fight in Korea, and later Vietnam, without the political will of their superiors to fully face off against the Russians or the Chinese. Faculty-led school prayer was removed from public schools in 1963, and the religious right militarized against this forever after. Christians became less about helping the needy as Jesus taught, and more about hating the liberals, who they now saw as their enemies. Blacks from the South moved up to Midwest cities in the North to obtain factory jobs and opportunity, and this made the issue of Civil Rights one for the entire nation, not merely states in the South and Southwest. The abortion issue took hold in the 70's and 80's as the ramifications of the 1972 Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision were fully realized.

In short, Christians became radicalized, leftists became demonized, and white people everywhere had their acceptance of blacks put to the test by seeing black families move in next door. For the most part, they failed this test and fled to the suburbs.

"Myth #1," Carol Swain says, "In order to be competitive in the South, Republicans started to pander to white racists in the 1960's. FACT: Republicans actually became competitive in the South as early as 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won over 47% of the vote over Democratic candidate Al Smith."

First, 47% of the vote didn't get him much, because that meant that Smith got 53% of the vote. Indeed, looking at the electoral map of the 1928 election (see attached image clipped from Wikipedia), one sees that Hoover won everywhere EXCEPT the South. The only states he lost were Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. Okay, he won in Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia, but that's probably what drove his numbers in "the South" up to 47% in Swain's citation. Seriously? THAT'S the best example you could find of a Republican being "competitive" in the South? And besides, weren't we talking about the 1960's? How is the election of 1928 even relevant?

Ah, but Swain continues: "In 1952, Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won the southern states of Tennessee, Florida and Virginia."

Okay, that's pretty much the same territory Hoover, won, minus North Carolina. When we examine the electoral map again (with another Wikipedia page-grab, see left), we see that Eisenhower also lost Kentucky and West Virginia, but pretty much lost every other southern state, in almost exactly the same pattern Hoover had.

So far, this is looking BAD for the idea that Hoover and Eisenhower were somehow "competitive" in the South. Eisenhower may well have been the most popular president of all time during his era, and even he couldn't swing the South.

"And," she continues, "in 1956, he [Eisenhower] picked up Louisiana, Kentucky and West Virginia too."

Great, except that Kentucky and West Virginia were both Union states, not Confederate, and therefore not part of the "South." Come on, doc! You're supposed to be a professor of political science! You should have known that!

She does correctly point out that Eisenhower supported the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education, and sent in the National Guard to Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to enforce school integration. All that is good. But she conveniently ignores how much flack Ike took from southern conservatives!

"Myth #2:" Swain continues, "Southern Democrats, angry with the Civil Rights Act of 1962, switched parties. FACT: Of the 21 Democratic Senators who opposed the Civil Rights Act, only one switched parties."

Yeah, except that one happened to be the ring leader of the Democrats' opposition! Strom Thurmond! Who set the still-standing record for longest filibuster in Senate history as he opposed the Civil Rights Act! He switched parties in 1964 as a direct result of the Civil Rights Act vote, and remained a Republican all the way until 2003!

What about the other 20 Democratic senators? Swain says "Most of them continued to run as Democrats, or were replaced by other Democrats."

Not quite! Eight of them dropped out after their term ended or after one term, if they were running for re-election in 1964. The ones who were replaced by other Democrats were replaced by LIBERAL Democrats! For example, Absalom Robertson of Virginia was forced out when LBJ backed his primary opponent, William Spong, who beat him! Many were defeated in the early 70's, when Nixon's Southern Strategy was in full swing, and Democrats in the South began to be replaced by Republicans in earnest. The most famous example of this was Al Gore, Senior, the father of Al Gore, Jr (yes, THAT Al Gore, the one who later became V.P. under Clinton), who voted for the Civil Rights acts of 1957 and 1960, but was bullied into opposing the 1964 Civil Rights Act because it was an election year. He always said afterward that he regretted that vote. He later voted for the Voting Rights act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. By 1970, he'd been defeated by a Nixon-backed Republican. Another notable figure was Robert Byrd of West Virginia. A former Klansman, he not only left the Klan but embraced civil rights, always regretting his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He survived re-election, because he had a change of heart. Interestingly, this was exactly the same Senator whom Swain referenced when she said, "One of them even lasted until 2010." (In a different video, but she said it.) Yeah. The repentant sinner!

The Democrats of the South were sometimes known as "Dixiecrats," and they tended to be Christian Conservatives. The Democrats of the north, such as Hubert Humphrey and Ted Kennedy, tended to be academic, pro-business Liberals. But the 1964 Civil Rights Vote did mark a turning point. They didn't leave right away, but they did leave. It became understood, beginning at that point, that "conservative" was becoming synonymous with "Republican." By 1994, the "Dixiecrats" were all but extinct.

"Those 20 seats didn't go Republican until another two-and-a-half decades," says Swain. Well, if you only count that ALL 20 having to change, that's right. But truth be told, many of those seats began to change to Republican in the 70's, and a lot more changed to Republican by the 80's! Yes, there were a few holdouts of those seats that didn't flip until 1994, but so what? The trend had been set!

Yes, it was a gradual shift. But it was an inevitable shift. Because the racism of the South was CONSERVATIVE. And Republicans decided, both during and after Nixon, that they would embrace everything about conservatism, even the racist parts.

"Myth #3:" says Professor Carol Swain, "Since the implementation of the Southern Strategy, the Republicans have dominated the South."

This one, she might have a slight, if misguided, point. Southerners were always Christian Conservatives, and it was Christian Conservatism which held sway in southern elections. So the examples she cites of the Southern Strategy not working don't quite hold, as you will see in a moment.

Swain argues: "FACT: Richard Nixon, the man who is often credited with creating the Southern Strategy, lost the deep south in 1968."

True, BUT MISLEADING! Once again, let's go to the map (see left)! The part that Swain is conveniently ignoring is that there were THREE candidates in 1968: Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, AND segregationist champion, George Wallace. Wallace was the one who won the South, taking Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Every analyst agrees that if Wallace was not a viable third party candidate, Nixon would have won all of the Southern states.

You see, it was not Nixon who initiated the Southern Strategy. He implemented it, and he approved of it, but he did not initiate it. The real person who came up with the Southern Strategy was Barry Goldwater! He believed it would help him win the presidency in 1964. But Goldwater waged a poor campaign, and lost badly to Lyndon B. Johnson.

Four years later, George Wallace won nearly the entire South. The Southern Strategy did not fail, IT WORKED TOO WELL!

"In contrast," says Swain, "Jimmy Carter swept the south in 1976, twelve years after the Civil Rights Act."

Very true! The only Dixie state he didn't carry was Virginia. What happened? Why did the segregationist South side with Carter? Because he was a Southern Baptist Christian! A Georgia peanut farmer who openly said, on many occasions, that every day he wanted to live his life according to the standards of Jesus Christ.

And then, in 1980, after Jimmy Carter voiced support for a woman's right to choose abortion, the South rejected him right back again! The only Dixie state Carter carried was his home state of Georgia.

You see, it's not merely about segregation. There are many, many issues voters decide upon, and for the South, it's Jesus, and White Folks.

"And in 1992," continues Swain, "Bill Clinton carried the states of Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia."

Once again, she is ignoring the fact that 1992 had THREE candidates! Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and H. Ross Perot! Perot split enough of the conservative vote to allow Bill Clinton to win the Electoral College, and all the states Carol Swain mentioned, without winning the majority!

In other words, fewer people voted FOR Bill Clinton in those states than voted NOT Bill Clinton!

And again, Carol, Carol, Carol, West Virginia and Kentucky were not Dixie states!

In 1994, we saw the entire Congress and Senate flip en masse. Those few Dixiecrats who were left in the South flipped Republican. The few moderates on both sides who didn't want to change affiliation or do politics differently, opted instead to resign. Never again would there be any uneasy alliance between southern conservatives and northern liberals. They were, from that point on, permanent and bitter enemies!

Swain then points out that it was 1994 when Republicans finally held a majority in the Southern States, 30 years after the Civil Rights Act. But so what? The transformation process was gradual, but inexorable. And, it must be emphasized again, segregation was a CONSERVATIVE issue!

Swain quotes a conservative named Kevin Williamson. Williamson says of the 30-year transformation, "Things move slower in the South, but not that slow."

YES, that slow! Because people don't change right away, nor do political parties.

I return the favor by quoting another conservative, this time one from Milwaukee named Charlie Sykes, who was the king of conservative talk radio in this city for decades. He points out how the Republican Party needs to come to grips with its open embracing of the racism of the South (and, frankly, elsewhere). You can read his article here.

Swain torpedoes her own case when she points out how southerners are more likely to vote for a black conservative, like Senator Tim Scott, than a white liberal. Well, exactly! It was always about conservatism! So was racism!

It's the main reason why black conservatives, like Carol Swain, and Candace Owens, and Tim Scott, and Kanye West, and Sheriff David Clarke, are willing to support an ass-wipe like Donald Trump.

They would rather support a dog-whistle racist and defeat abortion, and instill favoritism for Christianity in defiance of the Wall of Separation Between Church and State.

Ultimately, that is their true goal.

It is also the goal of PragerU's constant, and obvious lies as detailed above.

