Monday, October 26, 2020

More Obvious Belling Madness

Just when I think Mark Belling can't get any crazier or more insane, he ups the ante once again. Here's what his broadcast on October 21st had to reveal:

"Obama gets in," says Belling, "the IRS is suddenly corrupt. Again, all of this was before Trump, so it's not like any of us were all that naive when Trump came in that there wasn't going to be a morass that he'd have to wade through. But look what it's been: Every time Trump talked over the last two or three or four years in which he said they're doing this or they're doing that, people would roll their eyes thinking that Trump was paranoid or Trump was lying just to fire up his base, turned out to be true. As it turns out - now think about this - when Trump was being impeached, over asking the Ukranians to re-open an investigation into corruption, the FBI knew that there actually was corruption in Ukraine. In other words, Trump was asking them to re-open an investigation into something which was real! And the FBI knew it was real! Because they had the Hunter Biden laptops at the time! Yet you didn't get a peep out of anybody in the FBI saying, hey, maybe you ought to know this, when Trump asked them to do... there actually is crimes there, we've got the goods on it. They all kept their mouths shut! So tell me the FBI isn't truly rotten! And again, I'm not implicating here a local agent who works in a field office in Burlington, Iowa, or wherever. I'm saying at the headquarters level, at the high level of decision-making. But not just the top one or two. There had to be quite a few people who would have known about that laptop. It's not like something can come in from Wilmington, Delaware, it doesn't go straight to Ray, the head of the FBI."

Incredible! When Belling is confronted with the contradiction that the FBI must have had the alleged Hunter Biden laptops during Trump's impeachment hearing, Belling concludes that the FBI is corrupt rather than think that the laptop story is concocted! Even though the likelihood is clearly the latter rather than the former, objectively! Belling is so desperate for the laptop story to be true, that he regards everything contrary to it as automatically false! And he includes among this, the IRS! (Which is what he was leading up to beforehand. He was referencing the fact that, in the wake of hundreds of new "non-profits" arising out of the Tea Party movement, that the IRS focused its investigations into those new, shady-seeming groups. This, Belling thinks, is Obama-led corruption rather than simple prudence.)

Just imagine! Rather than an obvious bullshit story being false, Belling would rather it be that the entire FBI, and the entire IRS be corrupt! That the whole, goddamned machine would somehow be in the back pocket of Obama and the Bidens!

It must be one hell of a surreal-looking world inside Belling's delusional head.

Just one more example of why Belling needs a padded cell rather than a radio booth, and why WISN is committing elder abuse by allowing this raving lunatic to have a continued platform.

"Now one of the things that I've always said is that truth always comes out, sometimes it just takes a long time. And the truth is coming out about the Ukraine and Hunter Biden. They'll keep the truth from the American public until it serves their purpose to have it come out, but it'll come out. Eventually we learn about all these things, sometimes it's decades later, sometimes it's relatively soon, but the damage is done in the process. I know when the media is going to discover the corruption in the Ukraine and how dirty the Bidens are. If Biden wins it will be about three weeks after the election. OH! Will the thing turn! Will their tone change! When it is in their interest to get rid of Joe Biden so Kamala Harris can be the President, it's going to be remarkable. The media... the media and the Democrats are suddenly gonna stumble on that... 'ol Joe is a) is senile and b) a crook! But one of the points that I make all the time is we conservatives are right we have to do a better job of saying 'I told you so,' while it's not polite to gloat. We have to do this so that we can reinforce here, that when the experts, when the media, when the Left keeps saying these things and say this is it, the... the... the right wingers are lying, they're lying they're lying, in fact... they were the ones that were lying all along. They were the ones that were not to be believed."

You're ON, Belling! Let's see if this actually happens a few weeks after Biden is elected! Hell, let's see if it happens at ALL!

Belling is not exactly one to predict correctly, even in football. But let's see if he's right about THIS one!

I can virtually guarantee you that he's not.



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