Tuesday, May 3, 2022

I Warned You

 Yes, I warned you.

About abortion? Yes. I warned you back in 2018 it was doomed. I also had warnings for you in 2020 when Mitch McConnell did a complete flip-flop from the 2016 argument he used regarding Merrick Garland and decided to fast-track Amy Coney Barrett as the presumptive nominee.

Then, as now, I scolded all you fellow leftists for not fighting then the way you're suddenly willing to now. Somehow, liberals never seem to get outraged at anything until long after the ship has sailed. (Although this ship has not only sailed, it's arrived in port at the other side of the ocean.)

Hey, all you Jill Stein voters. How does your 2016 vote look now?

But while I'm seeing lots of blame for past Republican screw-ups regarding abortion (and complete inaction from Democrats), I'm seeing none of the same association regarding gasoline.

Nobody blames Biden for the upcoming SCOTUS decision regarding abortion. But by the same token, nobody should blame Biden for high gasoline prices and inflation, either. Because the seeds for those were laid by Republican hands and their corporate lobbyists.

Remember the EV-1? It was an electric car made by General Motors from 1996 to 1999. Corporate interests and Republican politicians killed it. Why? To keep us dependent upon gasoline. And being dependent upon gasoline has disastrous economic consequences, because every time there's a gas crisis, it raises the cost of everything.

I warned you about this consequence back in 2011. And again in 2019.

My main point is that we recognize how the current mess with abortion rights happened because of what Republicans did in years past (and what Democrats failed to do). But the exact same situation is also true of gasoline prices. All our continued dependency upon fossil fuels has come at the behest of Republicans bowing to the special interests of Big Oil and the plastics industry. Yes, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is a big factor.

But no amount of supply chain issues would matter if we weren't so dependent upon supply.



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