Monday, October 3, 2022

We're Protesting In The Wrong Place!


Part of why I don't write as much on this blog anymore is because The Bulwark is out there. If you're unfamiliar with that news source (and if that's the case, please go fix that) you'll know just how invaluable a resource it is for decoding the right-wing craziness that's out there, keeping us all aware of the MAGA world and what new horrors it's brewing.

Maddeningly, they keep overlooking the absolutely CRITICAL role the Right Wing Media Cult has to play in all of it.

I've written about the Right Wing Media Cult before, and I've warned of the dire consequences that will result if we don't derail it immediately, immediately, immediately. This brief respite from Trump, in which Joe Biden has one, small chance to do something about the RRMC, is on the verge of being squandered. But it's not merely a missed opportunity. It's much, much worse. Because the Right Wing Media Cult is not only NOT being dealt with, it is not only NOT being countered, it is actually advancing!

Case in point, CNN which is owned by Warner Bros./Discovery. It's CEO, David Zazlav, has been pushed by John Malone (a billionaire who recnetly bought a large chunk of Warner Brothers) to make CNN veer off to the right in its news coverage.  Brian Stelter, one of Fox New's harshest critics, was fired as a result, despite high TV ratings, and it's not hard to guess why.

We're supposed to be pushing our news outlets towards the rational center. Instead, the Right-Wing Media Cult has wrapped its slimy tentacles around CNN.

We may have gotten rid of Trump, but we're still losing ground to the lies which are suffocating us.

We're moving backwards. In these critical Biden years, when we're supposed to be advancing and securing democracy from any further Trump threats, we're actually moving backwards!

Where is our resolve? Don't we give a damn?

The damage has been done on the Supreme Court, and that damage will be felt for decades to come, long after any elections in November or afterward. Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and you can pretty much kiss any lawsuits dealing with religious freedom goodbye, as favoritism towards Christianity will be rubber-stamped by this court time and again, all in the name of what they, the nine lackeys -- some of whom lied to get their jobs -- mistakenly think of as "religious freedom."

In response to this unprecedented slep in the face to half our nation's population, protests were seen all over the United States. Here in Milwaukee, the protests happened in Red Arrow Park.

You know, the designated protest area that the authorities want you to protest in.

And here's my point. You're protesting in the wrong place!

How about, instead of Red Arrow Park, or the National Mall, or McCormack Place, or any other "designated" protest area, we protest where the lies are actually being spouted from?

This situation we're in came about when the Right Wing Media Cult spawned Trump, and then spawned the ancillary Trump Cult. How about protesting where that filthy excuse for news media comes from?

Instead of Red Arrow Park, we should be protesting in front of WISN radio, where Mark Belling and Jay Weber are belching lie after lie after lie!

We should have a permanent encampment there, where Belling cannot go to work today without protesters hounding him chanting, "Tell the TRUTH! Tell the TRUTH! Tell the TRUTH!"

By the way, WISN's physical address is 12100 W. Howard Avenue, Greenfield, WI.

Tucker Carlson should be unable to come to work every day without hordes of protesters houding his every step saying "Tell the TRUTH! Tell the TRUTH! Tell the TRUTH!"

Fox News should not be able to sustain traffic surrounding it for all the protesters hounding it day and night, forcing local authorities to move Tucker Carlson to a different, NON-NEWS cable channel. You know, where he belongs.

As does Rachel Maddow, to be fair. Opinionation and infotainment ought be moved off of every news network, not just the conservative ones. I wish her the best of luck on MTV. I know she'll do great.

If we're going to protest anyway, how about we locate the protests where it will actually do some good for a change?

Why protest by their rules when they screwed us over in the first place?



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