Monday, February 3, 2025

Elon Musk Is A Nazi

It's official: Elon Musk is a Nazi.

The reason we know this with 100% certainty isn't the so-called "Nazi salute" he gave at one of Donald Trump's inauguration celebrations. Conservative pundits have been screaming that anyone claiming Elon's gesture was a Nazi salute is absolutely lying. And you know what? For once, I agree with them. I don't think it was meant to be a Nazi salute. But I do think it was a Freudian slip on Elon's part. Taken by itself, it might be dismissible.

But then Elon didn't bother to deny it. In fact, he said nothing about it one way or the other at all. He made no attempt to distance himself from it, and no attempt to excuse it. All he said was, "Frankly, they [the Democrats] need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired." [Sleep emoji.] That would be damning enough. But then...

Musk addressed a meeting in Halle, Germany, on January 25. Not just any meeting, a crowd of AfD supporters. AfD, for those who don't know, is Alternative für Deutchland, a far-right extremist party which has resurrected Antisemitism in Germany, primarily in the form of opposition to Muslim immigration. Now, I have no love for Islam either, but there's no point in beating around the bush, AfD is Naziism. And it has resurrected itself in the very country that placed a sign in the middle of Hamburg saying "Nie wieder Faschismus" (Never again fascism).

Oh, the shame.

Musk merely acknowledging this group at all would be damning enough. Him saying anything at all to this group would be damning enough. But what he said at the address was even worse.

Here's the complete transcript of what he said:

“First of all, I wanted to really say that I'm very excited for the AfD, and I think you're really the best hope for Germany. I think some things that are just very important are that people take pride in, Germany and being German. This is very important. You know, it's okay to be proud to be German. This is a very important principle. It's okay. It's good to be proud of German culture and German values and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything. We want to have unique cultures in the world. We want to have people, we don't want everything to be the same everywhere where it's just one big sort of soup. We want to have something where you go to different countries, and you experience a different culture, and it is unique, special, and good. That the German government takes actions to protect its citizens and make sure that it seeks the health and well-being of the German people.

"The German people are an ancient nation, it goes back thousands of years. I was reading Julius Caesar's account of first encountering the German tribes in the Gaul campaigns, and he was like, wow, very impressive. These are very powerful warriors.

"So, I think there's too much of a focus on past guilt, and we need to move beyond that. Children should not be guilty of the sins of their parents, their great-grandparents, maybe even. [Emphasis mine.] You should be optimistic and excited about a future for Germany. That's really my message, is be optimistic, excited, and preserve German culture and protect the German people.

"There are some other things that I think would be very helpful too, which is you want more self-determination for Germany and for the countries in Europe, and less from Brussels. That's my opinion.

"I think there's too much bureaucracy from Brussels, too much control from the global elite. [Like you, Elon?]

"When I've given talks at these global government conferences, what I've said is there should be less global government. There should be more determination by individual countries. 

"And so, I very much hope that the AfD does well, and that Alice Weidel does become Chancellor. I think that would be very good for Germany. I hope that your people unite and strongly support AfD. So, you're doing the right thing, is what I'm saying. Let's go, guys! Let's go. Fight for a great future for Germany! Convince your friends, convince everyone. If you want to make the future great, if you want the future to be great, you need to make it great and fight for the future to be great. That's how it becomes great. 

"I think we should fight for an exciting, bright future where people can be optimistic about what's going to happen. Where you wake up, and you look forward to the future, and the best way to ensure the future is good is to fight for a good future every day. And it will be great. So, I think this election coming up in Germany is incredibly important. I think it could decide the entire fate of Europe, maybe the fate of the world. That is the significance of this election. So, that's why it's very important to talk to your friends and family and convince them to consider voting for AfD. And then, just go with it, like a chain reaction. Convince one friend, talk to another friend. 

"Do you want this? Do you want more of the last 10 years? Or do you want something different? I think the people in Germany want something different. And if you want something different, you have to vote for a different party. This is just a fact, this is logic. So, you are the future of Germany. Make it happen.

"But I can't emphasize enough: Go out there, talk to people, convince people, one vote at a time. There's a need for change. And this election is so important, it's extremely important. I do not say it lightly. I think the future of civilization could hang on this election. 

"Obviously, you have my full support. I think the Trump administration is also supportive. I think the policies that I've heard from AfD make a lot of sense. They're really just, to me, when I look at the policies, they're common-sense policies. Just like President Trump has common-sense policies.  Getting things done, getting the government out of people's way so that you can get things done and give people back personal freedom, and protecting the people from dangers. These are fundamental things that, frankly, the current government is not doing. The current government is suppressing speech very aggressively. And really, when you suppress freedom of speech, it's very difficult, if not impossible, to have a true democracy because freedom of speech is the foundation of democracy.

"People cannot be expected to vote in an informed manner if they are not able to know the truth. [You would know, suppressor!] So, this is why it is so important to have freedom of speech, so people can make an informed vote, and it can be a true democracy. [Physician, heal thyself!] This is not what the current government has been doing. They have been suppressing freedom of speech and putting people in jail for even mild criticisms of politicians or social media posts. This is crazy. This is a totalitarian approach. It is not a democratic approach. So, we need to restore freedom to the people of Germany, have freedom of speech, and have less government oppression in general. So anyway, I can't emphasize enough, go do everything you can, full blasts. Put every effort you can into this election. 

"The fate of the world, I think, rests upon this election in Germany. It's extremely fundamental. Once again, Go, go, go! Fight, fight, fight!”

Really? Too much emphasis on past guilt?

The "Freudian-slip salute" was a clue. The silence afterwards was proof. Saying anything approving of the AfD was an absolute slam-dunk item of proof.

But telling a crowd of ultra-right Germans to get over their Holocaust guilt?

Jesus H. Christ! The only thing Elon lacked was a toothbrush mustache!

If you see the video of this address, you see Elon's face on a giant jumbotron, like something out of Citizen Kane. It's eerie.

Now, a little bit of what Elon says is harmless. It's fine to take pride in one's heritage. I happen to be of German descent myself, and I'm proud of that. But unlike Elon, I don't say that my own cultural identity should be the only one that defines a certain geographic area. I don't tell people of a different ethnicity to get out, or support their deportation, legal or not. I also see nothing wrong with humanity being "some sort of soup," Like Elon complains about. In fact, that's what the Great American Melting Pot is supposed to be all about. Diversity and intermarriage makes us stronger. The Melting Pot is for everyone, not just white people. I think its safe to conclude that Elon doesn't believe in the Great American Melting Pot, or any melting pot, for that matter, and that means he doesn't truly believe in America.

It is further proof he is a Nazi.

And the irony of Elon Musk calling for freedom of speech is delicious. We all know, based on how he's run Twitter/X, that when he says "freedom of speech," what he really means is freedom of speech for himself and his cronies. Anyone who criticizes Elon in a substantive way gets their account suspended or otherwise tampered with. We've seen it multiple times. Elon Musk saying he supports freedom of speech is like, well... a Nazi saying he supports Jews.



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