Sacred cows taste better.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sean Hannity Is A Masterclass in Lying


For sheer brashness and audacity in misinformation, there are few who parallel Sean Hannity. Every day he spews incredibly misleading op-ed to an audience whom he knows mistakes his "product" for news, and if all democracy burns down, but his ratings go up, he counts that a win.

Case in point is his podcast from April 29th, Hour 1. Watch how deftly Hannity weaves misinformation and lies into his monologue:

"I mean, just look at this new axis of evil: While he [Biden] simultaneously is shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline in America, he's giving a waiver to Vladimir Putin to continue and finish the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make him rich, which enables him to continue to invade a country like Ukraine, and kill innocent men, women, and children. Gee, that's brilliant! And then drag America into a proxy war costing us billions and billions and billions of dollars. And what does Biden do with China? Well, China, he's been great to China. They could ply their spy balloons, have no consequences for that, no consequences for Covid, no consequences when their fighter jets are making hostile maneuvers against American jets in International airspace, or when they're making aggressive maneuvers in international waterways, against our navy, nothing happens; forget about intellectual property theft, forget about unfair trade practices, that's small-ball; the guy that made the mullahs in Iran rich, the #1 state sponsor of terror rich, is Joe Biden because he wouldn't enforce the sanctions forbidding them to sell oil on the world market. He even took it a step further in March of '21 by starting to import Iranian oil into the United States, and he's continued ever since. He wants the price of oil to go down, but he doesn't want to drill for it, here. Well, what's the difference if you rape and pillage Mother Earth, as they say on the left, and drill for oil, uh - it doesn't matter where you do it? I guess to Joe Biden it does. He just doesn't want to get his base angry. His base is now the lunatics that are on these college campuses, here. And Biden, of course, this weekend, again, pressuring Prime Minister Netenyahu to do anything but win his war against radical terrorists. What would America do, what would you want your country to do, if 8000 Americans were taken hostage out of our country? What would you want this country to do? What would you expect your leaders to do if 40,000 Americans were slaughtered in a single day?"

He goes on, of course. But this is a splendid example of the sort of "Gish gallop" Hannity has perfected over the years.

Start with his "new Axis of evil." Without speaking it, he implicates Joe Biden as being part of this Axis. He knows it's misleading, he knows its incendiary, and he doesn't care.

What about shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline while simultaneously allowing Putin to complete the Nord Stream 2 project? (Referring to a gas pipeline connecting Russia with Germany, bypassing Ukraine completely.) Well, it's not proven, but Biden was probably the one who gave the order to blow up the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in the first place. Also, the pipeline wasn't being used at the time, because, due to Russia's war on Ukraine, Germany isn't buying any natural gas from Russia. So if Russia is allowed to complete its pipeline, yet continues its war with Ukraine, Germany won't buy the damned gas anyway! Russia will have diverted millions of dollars in funds and man hours to a project that won't pay off for him! I'd say this is nothing short of brilliant foreign policy strategy! Unfortunately, it's just one small segment in Hannity's disinformation clusterfuck.

He wrongly complains the Nord Stream 2 pipeline will make Putin money, "which enables him to continue to invade a country like Ukraine, and kill innocent men, women, and children. Gee, that's brilliant!" And yet, in the very next breath, he complains about America being dragged into a proxy war costing us "billions and billions and billions of dollars," as though he were an anti-Carl-Sagan. Is Hannity against Russia slaughtering innocent men, women, and children, or is he in favor of abandoning Ukraine to its fate?! Come on, dude, pick a lane!

He claims Biden has been great to China. Hardly. True he ended Trump's insane trade war with China, but he also made moves to ensure Taiwan would not be the sole manufacturer of microchips for the U.S., thus guaranteeing that a Chinese takeover of Taiwan wouldn't deprive Americans of a vital resource. China knows Biden did this, and isn't happy. And Hannity claims there are no consequences for the Chinese spy balloons, except there were. It was a huge PR disaster for China, and we recovered the wreckage after the balloon was shot down. The incident also poisoned relations between China and all allied nations, from Japan to India to Canada.

"No consequences for Covid," he claims. Except the millions of Chinese lives lost to that disease.

"No consequences for threatening maneuvers," he adds. Yet our forces have not been chased off in the Pacific. They're standing firm.

"forget about intellectual property theft, forget about unfair trade practices, that's small-ball." Yeah, just like Trump ignored those? Remember that it was Obama that pushed through a Pacific Rim trade agreement to counterbalance China's influence. Trump did nothing regarding copyright.

He complains Biden "made the mullahs in Iran rich" by not enforcing "the sanctions forbidding them to sell oil on the world market." This is ignorant beyond belief. There is a strong secular contingent to Iran's population, and they're on OUR side! We are, in a brilliant show of responsibility, trying to walk the tightrope between supporting those citizens in overthrowing Iran's government in favor of democracy, while simultaneously punishing Iran's current government. This isn't easy! And Hannity's demagoguery does us no favors.

This is part of why Trump's undoing of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran was so disastrous. Iran's moderate middle began seeing the U.S. as a bigger enemy than its own government, and no revolution will ever take place while that's the case! Biden wisely tried to bring Iran back to the table to get its nuclear agreement through again, and as a concession, permitted some Iranian oil to flow. Maybe a little of it wound up in the U.S., but it mostly went to China. And the diplomacy worked. Again, this is what happens when a government knows what it's doing when it comes to foreign policy. But in Hannity's world, that's just letting oppressive regimes off the hook. Never mind the damage it does to the prospects of freedom and democracy in the region.

He claims Biden wants oil prices to come down but doesn't want to drill for it here. Except a strong commitment to electric cars will bring oil prices down as demand decreases - something Trump was both unable and unwilling to do.

Hannity rails on against student protests, and naturally conflates them with all liberals. Of course, Biden's base is not the "lunatics on our college campuses." Yes, they're demonstrating against genocide on Israel's part, and yes that's noble, but Biden knows we're walking a tightrope between supporting the only democracy in the Middle East and preventing ethnic cleansing being done in the name of self-defense. I've written extensively about the Israel-Hamas war in other blog posts. But suffice it to say that Biden is at least trying for balance. Hannity and his beloved Trump don't give a rip about balance at all.

And all that is in just a small 2.5 minute segment of a show that lasts 3 whole hours every day! Imagine! Three whole hours of this kind of Gish-gallop, misinformation-dense, hyper-radicalized crap!

It is a masterclass in disinformation.

And this is just ONE talking head in an overall Right Wing Media Cult which is comprised of hundreds of Hannity-wannabes, and which has taken over much of our nation's airwaves.

What are we doing to counter this? Exactly nothing. That's the most frustrating thing. We need to curtail the for-profit news industry with some basic standards of truth-telling, and downgrade op-ed from a feature to an afterthought. Or even bar op-ed outright. If such "news" outlets do not comply, the title of "news" gets taken away from them! This is not a violation of freedom of speech, as the outlet can go on saying whatever it wants. It just can't mislabel itself "news" anymore.

We have laws preventing any food manufacturer from putting any ingredients into their products which are not listed on the label. We must do the same thing with our news media, and for the same reason. If a food company mislabels its product, any number of food-related illnesses could result. Likewise, a mislabeled "news" source will poison the minds of its viewers.

At long last, can we at least TRY to prevent this from happening?



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Gaza War Continues, Blame Continues to be Missed

It's incredible. Six months and two weeks into Israel's war on Hamas, and nobody puts any blame for the atrocity on Egypt. Even Hamas seems to have been forgotten as a continued aggressor in the region, especially by my friends on the political Left.

Oh, don't get me wrong. What Israel is doing is nothing short of ethnic cleansing. They're very much hoping starvation will do most of the killing for them, and so far, the tactic is working. Israel's leaders need to be held accountable for this! But Israelis don't like Netenyahu so much anymore, in large part because of the way this war is degrading. They are increasingly recognizing that they have become the thing they most hated, and they don't like it. As of April 11, polls show Netenyahu having 40% unfavorable vs. an only 26% favorable rating, with 34% undecided. You can see the numbers here. Bibi is very likely on the way out.

But what's frustrating is how nobody in the news, nobody at all, places any blame upon Egypt for keeping the border closed! If they opened the border and allowed Gazans to flee the war zone, into a FUCKING DESERT which no one is using anyway, they would likely save over a million lives. All the aid which can't currently cross Israel's border would be able to reach the refugees. Food, fuel, shelter, and safety, all would be provided. But Egypt doesn't dare. Why? Because they're petrified that Israel will never allow those Palestinians back in. And while those fears are quite justified, they don't justify being complicit in the murder of their fellow Arabs!

Egypt might as well be lumped in entirely with the IDF for the wanton killing of civilians. They deserve this blame.

But in the media, on both sides of the political aisle, there is deafening silence regarding Egypt. For the life of me, I can't see why. One side of the border has badly needed aid. The other side has huge swaths of starving people. So if the aid can't get to the people, the only logical thing to do is allow the people to go to the aid! But nah, that would make too much sense!

Oh, I get it. Egypt thinks that such refugees would become a permanent settlement, and saddle them forever with a humanitarian crisis they would rather not spend money on. But this is the excuse they use while they casually look on, watching while women and children slowly starve to death. In light of this, such complaints seem trivial, because they are.

And Hamas? They apparently don't care about their own people, either. They could surrender, release their hostages, and end this entire thing. Today. But they would rather see all of themselves dead than give one inch. They would rather keep firing improvised rockets and other weapons, even now.

You need to have religion to be that stupid.

But why am I, with my little blog, the only one saying this? Why are my fellow liberals snarling traffic to O'Hare airport, as if that somehow won't simply make people ten times more pissed off? How obvious can it get?

Again, don't get me wrong. I've seen the news reports. I've seen how mass graves have been dug up, revealing how the IDF executed large swaths of civilians while their hands were zip-tied. Some Israeli officials, including Bibi Netenyahu, need to be put on trial for war crimes and executed.

But for fuck's sake, Egypt, open the goddamned border, already!

And SOMEBODY in the media better begin saying that!



Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Madness of Dan O'Donnell

Mark Belling is on his way out as far as WISN radio is concerned (good riddance!). His on-air time on the radio show that still ostensibly bears his name has been reduced to brief guest appearances every few days or so. One would hope he might go off the air sometime soon, and from there eventually join Rush Limbaugh in Hell. But for now, I want to focus on Belling's heir-apparent: the hyper-extremist Dan O'Donnell.

Charlie Sykes worked with Dan O'Donnell for years at WTMJ radio, and remarked way back in 2020 just how astonished he was at how Dan had gone completely overboard in recent years. In the years since, he seems to have gotten even worse. But O'Donnell's extremism doesn't seem to have given the executives in charge of WISN any problems. Far from it! In fact, O'Donnell gets three hours of airtime from 9:00 A.M. until noon on weekdays, and then gets yet another three hours filling in for the slowly fading-away Belling between 5:00 and 8:00 P.M. And what this person does with that additional airtime is breathtaking beyond belief.

There are some key differences between Belling and O'Donnell. For starters, Belling is at least leery of Trump and understands that he's a poor businessman. He still supports Trump, of course, but he's critical of him. O'Donnell gives reality no such latitude. In his book, it's all Trump or nothing. For another thing (and this plays to O'Donnell's favor), O'Donnell doesn't take the ridiculously long pauses between sentences that Belling takes. Belling wasted perhaps 40% of his airtime with not-so-pregnant pauses after forcing his listeners to endure 15 solid minutes of nothing but commercials leading up to, and sometimes during, his show. (I timed it!) O'Donnell at least keeps things moving along, and doesn't bother with dead-air time. Also, if he talks to someone off-microphone, he will allow that person to respond in the studio. Not so, Belling, who was constantly saying, "Paul says this," or "Paul says that." (Paul being his producer and call-screener.) Just give Paul the damned microphone already!

But I got a real taste of the kind of unbelievable bullshit when I listened to his podcast episode from March 20th. He kicked it off by (interestingly) campaigning strongly for early voting. This is a sea change for right-wingers in Wisconsin, who had previously decried mail-in and early voting ballots as skewing strongly toward Democrats. But now, it seems, O'Donnell is convinced that early voting plays to the conservatives' advantage, and so he strongly advocates for it. I look forward to seeing him proven wrong.

But that was just the beginning. He goes on from there to draw parallels from today to when the very first Republican was elected (Abraham Lincoln), and Southern Democrats threw a fit about it, preferring secession to advocating. The result was, of course, the Civil War.

"Man! Those Democrats just refused to give up their slaves!" he says. "What a racist party!"

Well, no. The crucial part that O'Donnell leaves out is that these Southern Democrats were ALL Christian conservatives! Yes! Don't believe me? Recall William Jennings Bryan, three time DEMOCRATIC candidate for president, and the prosecuting attorney in the John Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee. You don't get much more Christian conservative than that! This sad state of affairs stayed that way all the way through the 1970's, after which Reagan convinced most Southern Democrats to slowly switch sides. Southern Christian conservatism became exclusively owned by the Republicans by the time the 1992 mid-term elections ousted Democrats from their Congressional majority for the first time since Roosevelt.

And all the moderates either resigned or declared they would not seek re-election.

"It is just weird," he goes on, "that it's not taught anymore. That every single secessionist, was a Democrat." And later adds, "They launched a violent revolution against the Uni... some might call it an insurrection! against the government of the United States.  Who would have guessed that 170 years ago all of that would have been started by a group of abolitionists who were tired of Democrats treating people like their own personal property."

Apparently, somebody in the newsroom studio took exception to this bullshit and tried flagging O'Donnell for attention. Perhaps they were saying, "Dude, what the fuck?!"

"What?" O'Donnell Protested on the air. "What? It's history."

No, Dan, it's not. Because history is telling the whole story, not leaving out the most crucial part of it in order to transform it into political spin. These were CONSERVATIVES in the Confederate South. And they revolted, just like their ideological descendants did on January 6th, 2021.

"Democrat" is nothing more than a team name. The real enemy is conservatism. And more specifically, that brand of Christian conservatism which has no problem with telling bald-faced lies on the air, designed to make their own people revolt yet again.

Later that same broadcast, he cites Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden's, and plays some key parts of his testimony in congress during the Joe Biden impeachment attempt. He claims that this testimony shows that Hunter Biden took payments from China in exchange for leverage against Joe Biden. As additional evidence, he cites the fact that Joe Biden bowed out of the 2016 election back in 2015. He (Bobulinski) says he believes that China's money bought influence regarding that decision, even though that's pure speculation. He says it's clear to him that Joe Biden was the brand being sold in the Biden family, which is more speculation. He asks, if Joe Biden were so innocent, why is his family being so dishonest about it?

"That's a great question," O'Donnell says. He then claims that 10% of the payments from China were being "held by H. for the Big Guy." Where H. is presumably Hunter Biden, and the "Big Guy," is his dad. He then highlights a $40,000 payment to Joe Biden. "Remember that amount," he says. "$40,000."

He cites Byron Donaldson's testimony, and plays a clip, in which he details various payments made from the CCP to CEFC, a company associated with the Bidens, and various smaller dollar payments that went from that fund to various members of the Biden family, including Joe. 

O'Donnell then plays a clip of a heated exchange between Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Tony Bobulinski, a former associate of Hunter Biden's who was testifying. O'Donnell plays that clip. For clarification, here's a brief transcript:

AOC: Did you witness the President commit a crime?

Bobulinski: Yes.

AOC: And what crime have you witnessed?

Bobulinski: How much time do I have to go through it?

AOC: It is simple, you name the crime. Did you watch him steal something?

Bobulinski: Corruption statutes, RICO and conspiracy, FARA...

AOC: What is the crime? Specifically. I asked you to answer the question.

Bobulinski: You asked, I answered the question - RICO. You're obviously not familiar, corruption statutes...

AOC: Excuse me sir, excuse me sir, excuse me sir-- RICO is not a crime. It is a category.

[At this, some audible gasps are heard from the floor.]

Bobulinski: It's a category of crimes that you're then charged under, a long hundred list of statutes...

AOC: (Speaking over Bobulinski) you have charges -- you have charges -- sir, please name...

Bobulinski: You want me to name the exact statute under RICO?

AOC: Yes.

Bobulinski: Well, it's funny, in this committee room, everyone who's not here, there's like eighteen lawyers who went to law school. I'll leave it up to you guys to find the statute.

AOC: I reclaim my time.

[Note: RICO is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.]

After playing the audio clip, O'Donnell actually laughs, going on to describe how he thinks corruption payments flowed over to Joe Biden and his family. But wait, there's another interpretation, here. That the Bidens had perfectly legitimate business interests which received money from the CCP just like every other corporation that does business in China.

AOC's question is perfectly valid. What IS the actual crime, here? Bobulinski couldn't name one and was forced to appeal to the authority of the lawyers in the room. That's a pretty good job by AOC in getting to the point of the matter!

In fact, on Keith Olbermann's podcast, Countdown, he played exactly this same clip as proof that the investigation into Hunter Biden is baseless. Now why is one ultra-left podcast getting pretty much the exact opposite interpretation from a right-wing A.M. radio program?

The answer is obvious: spin. The truth is somewhere between the extremes. Hunter Biden was into some shady shit, but we already knew about that. Does any of it lead to Joe? Not decisively. So then AOC's point is perfectly valid. There is no actual, identifiable crime here. And if there's no crime, then there's no impeachment.

And just how utterly ridiculous is it to conclude that a mere $40,000 can convince a Vice President to not run for office? $40 million, now we're talking. But $40 thousand? Come on! That's a drop in the bucket for any vice president. This paltry sum couldn't have bought anything. And, bear in mind, that Biden was only VICE president at the time. Just what kind of influence do these idiots think a VP could even peddle?

This is what we're fighting. There are thousands upon thousands of O'Donnells out there, each one spewing this same sort of spin-doctored crap, some of which they may actually believe themselves, driving their listenership insane for the sake of a few more ratings points. People are glued to this stuff, sometimes 18 hours per day, being lied to and lied to and lied to until they're so pissed off that an insurrection on the capital seems like the only thing to do!

It's all threatening to happen again.

And we're doing exactly NOTHING to stop it.



Wednesday, February 7, 2024

At Long Last, What Will It Take?

Adam Keiper is quoted recently in the Bulwark, saying, “Between the immigration bill being DOA, the D.C. Circuit ruling on Trump's immunity, Tucker Carlson hanging out with Putin, the failed Mayorkas impeachment followed immediately by the failed Israel funding bill, and now Ronna stepping down, today feels like a perfect storm of GOP insanity.”

Except it doesn't feel like a perfect storm. It IS a perfect storm.

What I have to express this time around is how obvious all this bullshit is. Yes, people live in their insulated bubbles of misinformation, and it's impossible to penetrate those bubbles without encountering insanity on the level so intense that we all quickly unfriend and block it before it drives us insane as well.

But seriously, come on!

The Republicans had a good deal. A damned good deal! Perfect? No. But damned good. In exchange for all the border policing Republicans want, Democrats (and indeed, ALL of us) would get more aid to Ukraine, which we all desperately need. Also Israel, though less so.

And the Republicans scuttled it. Not because they objected to anything in the bill specifically, but because they wanted to deny Biden the win. They wanted to keep immigration reform as a key issue in the upcoming election.

One has to be a Trump follower in order to be that stupid.

They threw us all under the bus, just to make Biden a (very!) little bit more beatable.

What disgusts me the most is that Republicans will get away with it! The blood is SO on their hands for killing this bill. Yet they will point those bloody fingers at the Democrats and say, "They failed on immigration!"

And nobody, not one, among the right-wing masses will ever notice how red those pointing fingers are.

So I, as one cursed to see things as they actually are, have to resort to venting on this blog with a burning question: What will it take? At long last, what can finally shake Americans out of the goddamned tree of stupidity?!

Because it must happen. Yesterday. Or we're all doomed.

These past three years under Biden have been good, with one grave exception: There has been no urgency, zero, to counter the Right Wing Media Cult. None. Democrats have not only not countered it, they have yet to even try! By leaving conservatives in charge of the FCC, they are even actively encouraging it! They have allowed its expansion into Spanish-speaking talk radio unchecked. They felt the terror brought upon themselves through their own inaction on January 6th, 2021. And STILL they do nothing!

It's maddening. You want to scream, "For fuck's sake, DO something! ANYTHING!"

This is not a case where we all have to shrug our shoulders and say, "Well, that's just freedom of speech for you." No! This is a case where laws MUST be enacted forcing for-profit, ad-driven news sources to adhere to a minimum standard of truth-telling. In other words, right wing media can go on lying to people, exercising their freedom of speech to its fullest, but they cannot retain the label of "news" if they do so.

Yes, that will make the news less profitable, but GOOD! The news isn't meant to be profitable! Profitability is for the entertainment industry. And if news becomes entertainment, then it will only tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.

They need to hear that Republicans are now the most anti-immigration reform party ever!

They need to hear that Trump is the antichrist! (I'm an atheist and I find that argument compelling!)

We need the Fairness Doctrine brought back.

I don't think there's ever been a moment in history where so many people have so fully committed to something so stupid. With the possible exception of Nazi Germany, and yes, the comparison is apt.

It could happen here. It mustn't happen here.

In the name of God, American Christians are in league with Trump/Satan. And no, that's not hyperbole. That's observation.

There's an old prayer apt to this situation: "Oh, Lord, deliver us from your followers!"

At long last, what will it take?!



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Give Palestinians A Way Out!

Well, I've finally decided to weigh in on the thorny perpetual conflict between Israel and Palestine. While I have historically sided more with Israel, I have to agree with many of my fellow Leftists that Israel has really gone too far this time. But, as is frequently the case when I feel the need to blog about something, everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is missing the main contributing factor in the conflict. There are no clean hands on either side, but there is an overriding, overlooked cause.

Religion? Yes, that's a big one, but it's not being overlooked.

Historical claim to the land? Yes, but again, that one is also frequently cited.

The primary cause being overlooked is - CLOSED BORDERS.

Yes. Closed borders. It's not sexy or obvious, but it's true. Because when people are not allowed to leave somewhere, their economic prospects are limited, and everyone in that area suffers as a result.

Say you're a young Palestinian man living in Gaza. You want a good job? Good luck. There aren't any good jobs available. You might find good paying work if you went to a different Arab country. But will any Arab countries let you in? No! Because that would make too much sense, of course. How dare people leave Palestine to get a good job with better pay which they can then wire home to help support extended family and improve the lives of everyone in the region. How dare they want to work in a country where the language is similar and their job prospects are therefore better!

Why bar the Palestinians from leaving? Primarily it's because the rest of the Arab world is scared shitless that those Palestinians will refuse to come back. They'll have built better lives for themselves, and won't want to return to the ghettos they escaped. And, most importantly, every Palestinian that leaves is considered a winning vote for Israel, and a step closer to Israel's domination of the entire region.

No, the Arab world refuses to consider any solution to the Palestinian crisis except one: Trap the Palestinians in the region and force them into having no other choice but to invade Israel.

Of course, one might as well wish for the moon. Short of nuking the entire region, Israel isn't going anywhere. But that doesn't prevent the closed door policy of the Arab world from being just as immovable.

And all Palestinians pay the price for this stupidity.

So what is a Palestinian person to do if he wants a better life? Well, according to the propaganda the Arab nations constantly pipe in, he must arm himself and attack Israel. It's the only way.

Now, as impossibly stupid as that faith-based bullshit is, it overlooks the fact that one nation that was wise enough to open its borders to give Palestinians better pay and good, permanent employment. That nation, in fact, has had a running policy of employing Palestinians to better their lives.

Yes! That nation is Israel! The ONE nation that has given Palestinians a better shot at life is the one nation the extremists keep firing make-shift missiles into!

Again, you have to have religion to be that stupid.

Not Egypt. Not Jordan. Not Lebanon, Iraq or Syria. Israel.

Now, Israel has been brutally attacked by a hopelessly impossible assault yet again. Only this time, the assault was bigger and better planned than ever before. And the retaliation to that attack has predictably been just as ruthless. In fact, it's as ruthless Israel's currently extremist government will allow. It has made the conscious decision that if Hamas militants are hiding behind innocent civilians, those civilians are forfeit. It's harsh, it's brutal, it's ethically dicey at best, and it needs to stop. Many of my friends on the Left are screaming that this amounts to ethnic cleansing, and they're not wrong.

But here's the thing: Egypt could save millions of their fellow Arabs if they just open up the damned border and allow them to park their keesters in a HUGE FUCKING UNUSED DESERT so that they won't get killed!

And will they? Even now? NO! Because they are still too irrationally terrified that any Palestinians who leave will stay gone!

In my book, watching your own people get run over by tanks, and doing nothing when you had the opportunity to help them flee, is just as bad as running them over with tanks yourselves.

Fuck! Egypt!

The borders must open! Palestinians must be allowed to flee the BOMBS, for fuck's sake! And they need to make encampments where food, water, and medicine can flow in freely. Egypt is simply, plainly, not helping by keeping the borders closed! Neither is Jordan, for that matter.

They are every bit as complicit in this admittedly horrible genocide.

Also, I must point out that Hamas is, even now, STILL firing make-shift missiles into Israel. And once again, you need religion in order to be that goddamned stupid.

That's me laying the blame. NOW hear me lay out a solution. And it's so crazy it just might work. So hear me out.

First, everyone calls for a two-state solution. And that sounds great, but it's simply unrealistic. Ask a Palestinian child where they're from, and they'll likely name a town or village way on the other side of the border, deep inside Israel. Why insist on such a foolish narrative? Because that's their faith-based bullshit, that's why! And so long as that situation remains (which is forever, by the way), Palestine can never be an independent state. No matter what non-militarization treaties are in place, a free Palestinian state today will militarize tomorrow and be invading Israel by June.

If a two-state solution were even remotely possible, it would have been done by now. But it isn't. So it hasn't.

So what do we do? Let Israel continue to occupy the territories? That hasn't worked out so well, either. Because Israel isn't really "occupying" Gaza. Oh, it's been encroaching into the West Bank for years, but Gaza, not so much. And the Palestinians living in those areas have been allowed to go pretty much unfettered, which is why the networks of tunnels and systems of smuggling in weapons have gotten so sophisticated over the years. "Occupying" a territory takes a lot of police presence, risk, and money. And Israel has limited supplies of all these.

So here's my suggestion:

Make Gaza and Palestine permanent protectorates of the United Nations. The U.N. can rule Gaza and the West Bank, administer passports, build airports, roads, infrastructure as possible and/or needed, and help distribute foreign aid. And best of all, it will help guarantee that weapons are not smuggled in. Or, if they are, that they are found and neutralized before use.

And Israel's extremist factions won't be able to use Hamas as an excuse to slaughter civilians anymore. Because they won't be the ones calling the shots.

I mean, what do we even have a United Nations for, otherwise?

It will be painful at first. Many nations will call it a boondoggle. But as Palestine prospers under this forced peace, people's lives will eventually improve. And as they do, the peace will gradually become more and more permanent.

The best way to avoid militant extremism is make sure the potential militants have full bellies and ample bank accounts.

It's the only thing that ever works.

Oh, and a note to my fellow Leftists who are being all pro-Palestinian right now: I guarantee you that you are simply planting the seeds of more future war. I simply know too much about Islam to say otherwise. If you succeed in building a Palestinian state, you will get wars, wars, and even more wars, and it will be your own, dumbass, damned, naive fault. I'm not saying that you shouldn't oppose genocide. But don't buy the narrative that the Palestinian cause is so holy and just. And don't lay all the blame on Israel, either. There's a reason Israel has been attacked, and attacked, and attacked. And it's not because Palestinians simply want to live in peace.

So knock it the fuck off with your naive bullshit.

So that's my two-pronged solution. 1) Fuck Egypt, force them to open their borders and give Palestinians a way out, then 2) give Gaza and the West Bank over to U.N. rule.

A perfect solution? Hell, no. But I dare you to come up with a better one.



Tuesday, December 26, 2023



Really? I haven't posted on the Sacred Cow Wursthaus since July?

Well, that partly makes sense. I haven't had much to say. I normally vent on this particular blog when I get frustrated at something obvious that nobody else is talking about. But lately, people are at least saying what needs to be said. Sometimes. Oh, the lying for-profit fake news sources like Fox News, Sinclair, and Newsmax continue to spout their poison with zero checks or balances, and that continues to be the primary cause of The Great Madness which defines this era, but at least a few people are calling out the bullshit.

Not so with X/Twitter. Not nearly enough.

Oh, John Oliver tried, branding Elon Musk on the ass to close out his 2023 HBO season. But that only scratched the surface of the social media platform Musk took over, and then ruined.

On Christmas Day (CHRISTMAS DAY, no less!), one of the biggest trending items on X was (and I'm not even making this up) "Nate Higgers." No, seriously. And that's my point. Blunt, obvious, and inexcusable racial hatred and bigotry is not only tolerated on X, it's become the new Twitter brand.

And I get the general principle of "free speech." Of course I believe in that. But we all know perfectly well what's permissible in the public sphere. The classic example is yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, but this also extends to deliberately feeding and promoting racism, hatred, and bigotry. There's freedom of speech, and then there's going way, way out of your way to be an asshole. X is the playground for the latter, and then some. Elon Musk somehow sees nothing wrong with this. 

Exhibit A: Check out this unruly piece of work. The n-word is right there in his name, plain for all  to see. And does Twitter/X do anything about it? Of course not! Because it is currently helmed by Captain "Wrong Way" Peachfuzz, which is the same as being controlled by nobody at all.

(Note: the "account suspended" header is actually from another account which was temporarily suspended. This account, sadly, dates to January of 2022, and is STILL active after all that time.)

Nor is this a one-off. A simple search for the n-word on X reveals hundreds of gruesome results. It is literally like shooting fish in a barrel.

Like this fool, again with the n-word right there, plain as day, for all to see. Nor would we even need to have such an obvious display. The chosen screen name says quite enough!

And again, this idiot has been on X since October. And Twitter has done nothing to counter it.

Bear in mind, Elon Musk is SUING Media Matters For America, saying that his major advertisers aren't coming anywhere near this stuff. Yet look how easy it is to find! It's so obvious! I found THIS after only a minute:

And the racism on X is everywhere. It's gotten so bad it's the new 4chan or 8kun. Check this out:

"But there isn't a viable alternative to Twitter!" you might complain. Not so! That used to be the case, but BlueSky is finally ready. It recently allowed its posts to become public. Threads, even though it's part of Meta, is at least a better landscape. (Mastadon seems to have lost out.) There ARE better places to be.

It's time to be there.

Seriously, let's call this shit out for what it is. Twitter has become a cesspool of racial hatred and right-wing extremism. If you're still on it, YOU NEED TO LEAVE! It's time for everyone with a conscience to abandon this platform once and for all. If you're still on Twitter/X, you are worse than being socially irresponsible.

You are no longer trending.

The grass has literally become WAY greener on the other side of the social media fence.

It's time to let the scorched-earth hellscape that used to be Twitter finally die.



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

SCOTUS And Affirmative Action


By now, lots of people have weighed in on the SCOTUS ruling which struck down affirmative action for college admissions. Harvard can now push aside qualified black applicants in favor of old money again, because those with old money have greater "merit."

But speaking of merit, why shouldn't colleges simply admit based on academic achievement? Why not render higher education completely color blind? Isn't that fair? Isn't affirmative action, which was necessary in the past, no longer necessary? Has it become outdated?

And, on the flip side of the coin, is affirmative action part of the "racism of diminished expectations" we hear conservatives complaining about so much?

I don't think this topic has been clarified quite enough. Favoritism of one race over another is a primary component of racism, and there is no denying that affirmative action is, if nothing else, favoring blacks for college admission. So why do it, then? Isn't that racism too?

The answer to this is solid, but sadly, rarely used. It all has to do with the economics of opportunity. Hard work creates opportunity, yes. But privilege also creates opportunity. Better childhood education creates opportunity. Wealth creates opportunity.

And right now, for historic reasons which have been built into the structure of our nation, much of that opportunity has been denied black people. Better jobs, better schools, and better neighborhoods have all been hoarded by whites for a very long time, and they don't want to stop doing so, even when there's plenty to go around. Efforts have been made to alleviate this, but so far, not much has succeeded. We lack the political will to tell the suburbs, "Look, it's time to let the inner city thrive the way you let it thrive back when white people lived there."

As it sits right now, whites largely have the ability to invest in their own merit, and that of their children. This, more than any other factor, helps ensure that their children have good prospects and futures. Blacks, by contrast, cannot invest in merit in quite the same way.

That's why affirmative action exists. Not to fight racism with more racism, but to offset the economics.

That's why it's fair.

Am I saying that we are overlooking merit? Judging by color of skin and not content of character? Yes! But we must remember, whites were once the beneficiaries of affirmative action, too. It was the government's policy to swindle land away from Indians and sell it to white settlers at $1.25 per acre. It was the government's policy in the South to turn a blind eye to the evils of slavery and allow white people to profit and invest in their children's education for generations, while denying blacks the same ability. It was the government's policy to grant loans to white home buyers after World War II, but not blacks. It was the government's policy to enforce economic advantage for whites in the South through segregation, and in the North, through red-lining.

And after all these favoritisms, do I as a white male have the hubris to complain? I think not!

We judge by skin color today, because we judged by skin color then. Fair's fair.

Sadly, some misguided white people don't see it that way.

And admissions merely gets one in the door. Once inside the colleges, blacks must work to achieve just like everybody else. Blacks like Barack and Michelle Obama earned their grades on the same scale as everyone else. They passed the same standards as everyone else. And they graduated with pride, just like everyone else. Just like all black students must do, and have done, since affirmative action was instituted. Affirmative action may have gotten them in, but they stayed in because they earned it!

Someday, blacks in America will achieve economic parity with whites. When that day comes, we will be able to retire affirmative action and live in the perfect meritocracy conservatives prematurely call for now. 

But if we do meritocracy too soon, we deny blacks much of the economic opportunity to invest in their own merit, and thus enact an unintentional racism which inhibits them, and keeps them under. In other words, it isn't the "soft racism of diminished expectations" that is the issue. Rather, it is the "soft racism of premature color-blindness."

Premature meritocracy is like seeing a rope which was thrown to someone down a hole. And then, right before the person reaches the top, cuts the rope saying, "Well, you're 80% there, you can handle the rest."

And this is merely admissions to college. Not 40 acres and a mule. Is stamping a form really too high a cost to begin repaying the unbelievably huge tab which is reparations?

Perhaps what has really angered white racists is that affirmative action worked. Many black people have climbed the ladder, and built better lives for themselves. We are seeing more black participation in suburbia, in the entertainment industry, in science fiction, and in all the other recreational activities that were once exclusively white. Good! That's the way it should be!

And now SCOTUS has prematurely removed one of those ladders? Well, that's a loss...

But I think they're too late to stop the positive effects. And those who succeeded will put down ladders of their own.

