Sacred cows taste better.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Trump Tries Deflecting His Mental Decline Onto Kamala

In recent days, the Trumpsters have taken on an odd, new tactic. With Trump in more and more obvious mental decline, they've sought to head off criticisms about his mental fitness... by saying Kamala Harris is the one who is mentally unfit!

This is absolutely precious, to say nothing of ridiculous. But read on.

It's an old tactic, one Trump's used before. It was perhaps most famously mocked on Saturday Night live back in 2016, when Alec Baldwin portrayed Trump's characteristic deflection by saying, "Hillary has a kind of orange tint to her skin, except for that part right around the eyes..."

But that level of obviousness hasn't kept Trump from resorting to that tactic again and again. It's ridiculous, of course, and no supporters of Harris will fall for it, but it might just work to prevent some of his loyal followers from having their delusional Trump-spell broken.

Last Friday, in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, Trump said, "Joe Biden became mentally impaired, but Kamala was just born that way."

Oh really? Earlier in that same speech, Trump bragged about his crowd sizes, saying, "It looked like when Lindburgh landed in New York. Remember that?"

1) Charles Lindburgh didn't land in New York. He landed in France. And 2) no, Donny, nobody's old enough to remember that, not even you!

And later in that same speech, Trump said, "She [Kamala] started the 'Defund the Police' movement."

She obviously did no such thing. The 'Defund the Police' movement was started by the Black Visions Collective shortly after the killing of George Floyd. Oh, Kamala did say some positive things about the 'Defund the Police' thing, but they were ambiguous at best. What she actually said was, "This whole movement is about rightly saying, 'we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities.'" In other words, we need to ask whether we should we be spending so much on police while not spending enough money on schools and social programs. That's sympathetic to 'Defund the Police' a little, but remains a far cry from endorsing it, much less "starting" it.

On Monday, in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump repeated the accusation that Kamala is mentally impaired. Only this time, he added, "There's something wrong with Kamala. And I just don't know what it is, but there's definitely something missing, and you know what? Everybody knows it."

The 'everybody knows it,' is a nice touch. Because it's exactly what I've been telling the Trumpers I encounter on social media regarding Trump's mental lapses. Trump has this odd tendency to absorb the accusations levied against him and then repeat them as though they actually applied to his opponents. (So I can't be the only one.) We've seen it before. And saying, "I don't know what it is," is calculated. He doesn't dare name whatever malady he's accusing Kamala of having, because if he does, it becomes that much more obvious he has zero evidence whatsoever.

What's even odder is that earlier that same day, in Valdosta, Georgia, Trump said, regarding the damage wreaked by hurricane Helene, "It’s so extensive, nobody thought this would be happening — especially now it’s so late in the season for the hurricanes."

Yeah, except it's not. Hurricane season goes through the end of November. Just like it has every other year since before the National Weather Service was even founded.

That same day, Trump also said, "We do need some help from the federal government, they have to get together - ideally with the governor, that governor needs to, uh, he's been trying to get them and, uh, I'm sure they're going to come through. But, uh, he's been calling the president, hasn't been able to get - him."

Except the governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, said exactly the opposite earlier that day, saying that he did, in fact, speak with president Biden, who was giving him everything he needed.

So once again, on the same day Trump levied the accusation of mental unfitness against Kamala Harris, Trump had two mental lapses, just like he had at least two mental lapses the Friday before in Wisconsin.

Hey, I'm not afraid to show you what they want you to see. A video compilation of Kamala's "word salads" can be found here. But all this demonstrates is the art of talking a lot without saying anything. Politicians do it all the time. In other words, it's not mental unfitness, it's just politics as usual.

And that's all they got?

Yep, that's all they got.

Meanwhile, you only have to go back to last Thursday, when Trump was giving a speech in Michigan, to hear him go off on yet another cognitively incoherent rant about something. Seeing people leaving his rally, he apparently panicked and said, "I want to say something: the people that you see leaving - because nobody ever leaves, and if they do I finish up quick, believe me - but I couldn't take pictures at the beginning. So I take them at the end sometimes, if I'm late, the plane gets late, you get delayed, lots of things happen, there's a little hurricane going on in Florida as you know [a LITTLE hurricane?!], and, uh, so, what they do is they say, 'Oh, please come up now,' at the end of my speech. I said, 'DON'T DO THAT!' 'Cause it looks like they're leaving, like your husband who owns the place."

Fucking HUH?! 

Go back a couple days before that, and Trump was seen briefly drooling on himself in the middle of a speech. Then 45 minutes later, revealed that he'd only just learned that Russia had a hand in defeating the Nazis! Who knew!

And one only has to go back less than a week before that to see Trump having an unbelievable lapse on the Gutfeld show on Fox News. While complaining loudly about the way he felt the moderators treated him unfairly during the presidential debate, correcting him on his conspiracy theories while not correcting Kamala at all, he said, "And the audience was absolutely - they went crazy."

WHAT audience?! The debate was in a studio! There was no audience!

And only a week before that, while giving a press conference near Los Angeles, after mispronouncing Gavin Newsom's name (he said "Gavin Newscum"), he said, "So you have millions of gallons of water pouring down from the north, with the snowcaps and Canada, and all pouring down. And they have a, essentially, a very large faucet. And you turn the faucet, and it takes one day to turn it, it's massive. It's as big as the wall of that building, right there, behind you. And you turn that and all of that water goes into the - aimlessly into the Pacific. And if they turned it back, all of that water would come right down here and right down into Los Angeles."

Holy fuck.

Needless to say, there is no faucet. The closest thing that comes to something like what Trump is describing is the Hugh Keenleyside Dam, which is one of three Canadian dams regulating water coming from the Columbia River south into the U.S. And what's weird is, that's the dam that's the furthest upstream! And the Columbia only flows as far south as the border between Washington and Oregon. So even if all three dams were opened completely, the water wouldn't flow into Los Angeles, not without a massive series of aquifers.

This is yet another example of Trump hearing some crazy shit on conservative media and regurgitating it without any filtration whatsoever.

And only a week before that, Trump was caught babbling incoherently when asked a simple question about what he would do to make child care more affordable. And after giving a convoluted word-salad response, he insinuated that his increased tariffs would offset the higher costs of childcare without saying how exactly that would work. I covered that in detail in my blog post here. It was a breathtaking mental lapse.

On August 18th, Trump shouted out to North Carolina. Problem was, he was actually in Pennsylvania.

He's in decline. And he can't seem to go one week without making some huge gaff which makes it that much more obvious.

If you really think Kamala's the one mentally unfit, you haven't been paying attention.



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