For a few glorious days after that sad event, sanity reigned in Washington. Even Trump toadies like Mitch McConnell condemned the attack.
But then, you could just feel the Right-Wing Media Machine reasserting itself. It pushed against the obviousness of the situation, until, one by one, the Republicans who condemned the attack slowly were drawn back in by the irrational shrieks of their mislead constituents.
The wool was slowly pulled back over Republican eyes.
Since then, it denying that January 6th was even an attack has become a central tenet of MAGA delusion. Once again, the institutionalized disinformation rendered the democratic process impossible.
I ran into a sea-lion troll on BlueSky the other day. That platform is blessedly free of trolls, but when I commented on a friend's post that "Democracy dies in darkness, and it's pitch black out there right now," this troll actually dared engage me. He even asked if I was "okay." When I pointed out to him that right-wing media consistently misled the public, thus undermining the democratic process, he actually demanded proof.
This is exactly like someone saying, "Prove to me it's raining!" while standing next to a window where one can clearly see the rain coming down! Naturally I simply blocked this troll after this. If this person cannot see what's right in front of his eyes, there's no point talking to him.
But this is exactly the kind of willfull blindness that has driven half our country completely insane. It's so prevalent, that literally the worst human on the planet, one Donald J. Trump, was returned to the White House after pulling off the January 6th stunt. It is as embarrassingly obvious as it is embarrassingly stupid. And now this embarrassment of the Right-Wing Media Machine, is currently hanging outside its zipper, tiny, pink, and shriveled, for all the world to see.
Right now, we fear Trump as a dictator. But the truth is that the Right-Wing Media Machine already has dictatorial power, and has had it for many, many years now.
From now on, I propose that January 6th be remembered, not as the day in which insurrection occurred, but as the day when dumbfuckery actually dared to blind the public, and succeeded. We are now too collectively too stupid to even think our way out of this, the wettest of wet paper bags.
January 6th is officially "Moron's Day."