Sacred cows taste better.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Opposing Trump Is For Everyone. EVERYONE.

If we were at all sane in this country, Trump would be losing by at least 40 points. But this race is inexplicably close. So far, Kamala is winning. But that means only that sanity has a 53% margin, and that's truly horrifying. At long last, we need to realize that opposition to Trump is THE salvation of the Republican brand, to say nothing of the salvation of us all.

In the movie, "Serial," a quote is misattributed to Star Trek, although it sounds very much like something Mr. Spock might say. The quote goes, "In an insane world, the sane person must be regarded as insane."

Or, as I rephrase it for our modern times, "In the Right-Wing Media Cult, the sane person must be regarded as insane."

So, at long last, it's time for Republicans to unify. Not behind Donald Trump, but in opposition of him. Liz Cheney is showing the way. So is Mike Pence, who should rightly have been made president at the first impeachment hearing. John Bolton, Mark Esper, Chuck Hagel, Mitt Romney, THE ENTIRE BUSH FAMILY, former Speaker of the House John Boehner, Will Hurd, former Speaker Paul Ryan, Trump's former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, and Nikki Haley, who spoke so strongly against Trump before she lost her spine along with her luggage at the airport.

And this just scratches the surface of the many, many Republicans who have jumped ship.

So, at long last, all Americans can rally around the "Never Trump" movement. Not everyone has to be a fan of Kamala Harris. She is merely, at barest minimum, the only salvation for Democracy we have right now.

It is non-partisan to say, "I don't like any of her stances on the issues, but I'll vote for her, because I can't stand the other guy."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a convicted felon."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man convicted of sexual assault."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a proven tax cheat."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who promised a ridiculous wall he didn't deliver."

It is non-partisan to say, "I will not vote for a man so old he can't maintain a cohesive train of thought anymore. Who mumbles. Who digresses. Who can't answer a simple question without going off on some irrelevant tangent."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who scuttled a bi-partisan border security bill just to campaign on border security (as if we weren't paying attention on that one)."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who shoves U.S. soldiers aside like so much riff raff when they remind him of certain cemetery rules which ought to be obeyed - regardless of family wishes when that family doesn't have the authority to grant such permission in the first place."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man so brazenly delusional that he denies the above event even took place."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a sore loser."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for someone who delights over an insurrection done in his name."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a Proud Boys supporter."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who complains Democrats are cheating while actively, and not very secretively, fomenting cheating himself."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who 'both-sidesed' Charlottesville Nazis."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a man who bellowed for Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and then afterwards calls Russian interference 'a hoax.'"

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for someone who makes fun of a journalist's disability."

It is non-partisan to say, "I won't vote for a pussy-grabber."

It is non-partisan to say "No!" to Trump.

(Sorry, I meant, "Hell, no!")



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