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Monday, August 26, 2024

Don't Underestimate J.D. Vance

Meet the Press, for all its faults, is still one of the best shows to watch if one wishes to be politically informed. J.D. Vance was a guest on that show this past Sunday, and he did the usual dodging of the difficult issues, except abortion, where he gave a stalwart pledge that there would not be a national ban. I'm quite certain he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he said it, but he said it.

Here's the thing about Vance, though. He comported himself beautifully when asked the tough questions. He was every bit as eloquent as Pete Buttigieg. And while he made plenty of dodges, refusing to accept the premises of nearly all questions posed to him, he was also poised, polished, and confident. He was fast on his feet, and cool under fire.

Yes, Vance is a flip-flopping buffoon. But he's clearly talented. When Trump loses (and I predict he will), he becomes the heir apparent. Not Ron DeSantis, not Vivek Ramaswamy, not Nikki Haley. And when that happens, he'll command exactly the same type of blind devotion Trump does, in spite of his many personality faults. In fact, some might point out, because of his many personality faults.

We would do well not to underestimate him.

Oh, and that pledge that there won't be a national abortion ban? Vance knows he can make that pledge and get away with it, because it's really not his call. He's not leading the ticket. Trump is. And he can pledge until he's blue in the face, but Trump will enact a nationwide ban if he can at all manage it. He's been very blunt about doing so, even though he's been trying to backpedal in a post-Roe world. And Vance will always be able to say, "Look, I wanted to let the states decide, but I was only the Vice President."

Until the Fairness Doctrine is reinstated, and the Right Wing Media Cult squelched, Vance is a serious threat. He's no Tim Walz, to be sure, but unlike the bludgeonly Trump, he's silver-tongued and can handle the white-hot spotlight better than most other politicians. He is mentally ascendant while Trump is in decline. He is artful while Trump is blunt. He is a bigger threat than Trump in the long run.

Watch out for him. Or else we'll be right back in this same spot four years from now.



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