Sacred cows taste better.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pure Hatred

This post should be the end of it. In a sane world, that is.

The raw, unbridled hatred on display says it all. This isn't an outlier. This is who Donald Trump is. This asshole. This scumbag. This hate-monger.

So why does the election remain close? Why isn't it a slam-dunk for Kamala? What's the secret to his political competitiveness in spite of the above raw, naked, front-facing admission that he's a lousy human being who made a lousy president and will undoubtedly do so again?

Sadly, it's the Right Wing Media Cult. FoxNews, OANN, Newsmax, Salem Media Group, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity. It has made all his followers into "little Trumps." And, because Trump is a complete asshole, his followers are also "little assholes."

As such, even if Trump loses (and I think he will), the "Trumpification" of the populace will remain a problem. What do we do with nearly half a voting population who is actually willing to vote for the absolute worst human being on the planet? How do we "un-asshole" all those people?

The answer, as I keep repeating, is a return to the Fairness Doctrine. Our news outlets cannot be unbiased on their own. If left to their own devices, they will always gravitate towards partisanship in order to beef up ratings. We need rules which essentially say, at least as far as the news is concerned, "Fuck the ratings! Be impartial!"

And we need it so very immediately.



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